Although man changes almost 3,000 times a day from his facial expressions, his ideas can be read. A number of fundamentals play an important role here, such as focused observation and reference to the Memory Information Bank, where images of different human beings and various experimental results have been established, And charts, the individual returns to it whenever you ask him to live it, for example Take your boss at work You try to read from his movements and features of his eyes, what is thinking about you now? You ask him to raise the salary after the company won an award, or what did your wife mean in the morning with your words, did you find out what to hide about your new colleague at work? You may have been responding to your risk and trying to get you more attention than before, but you are surprised that the situation is still the same and that the wife does not have any ability to read your thoughts, Sabreen, a 31-year-old mother of two, says: "I got married 10 years ago and when you ask my husband what your wife is thinking about, she may answer her mother's visit, even though I had her yesterday." My tears when seeing a sad scene, and everything he did he asked me about the secret of my crying, did not bother himself read My thoughts, that the scene reminded me of our lives, which suffered a kind of boredom and puberty, and that the story of the heroine is like my story and that I finally wait to be approached by the subject that we started in the morning and we have not yet rejected. "Dina, 28, disagrees: I have learned a secret language that enables us to read the thoughts of the other, relying on the interpretation of some physical movements or gestures or even changing the tone of his voice, all factors help to read the ideas of life partner and I can rely on the focus element in the observation and observation to read Ideas ". And when the forms of reading ideas between couples, according to what Saberin and Dina taught to the psychology doctor William Aix of the University of Bonn, Germany, the latter confirmed the impossibility of reading one of us ideas and explain the other one hundred percent, it reaches the ratio of strangers to an average of 20% , When married by 35% although close to some, and the general total does not exceed 60%. "Women are more inclined to read ideas and they do not outnumber men or vice versa," he said. "But men are not equal in this respect, but men do not pay much attention.
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