الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2018

The Almighty said in the people of Lot and you to practice them Mstbhin and night Do not comment, which is mentioned in the Surah poets, who signed the polytheists of the types of sanctions and recall the achievement of the people of Tawheed and then says that there is a verse and most of them were believers and your Lord is the most merciful and recall the trap of those who deserved the loss And the unification of those who deserved to survive and then tell that in this verse and proof of the believers and then mention the source of all that and the names and attributes of this loss of the loss of his dignity and salvation from his mercy and then decides in the last Sura prophecy of his messenger mental evidence best report and answer for the sub - As well as his report The mental and sensory evidence returned, striking the proverbs and quotations

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...