الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

Because marital life is not war
The affection and mercy of the marital relationship is great and Samy, which is similar to what the crystal is to be maintained and guarded by safety, but the man likes to be treated by his wife Fa Moore, most importantly that if he entered his secret and if he missed his protection and treat him from the point of religion which is the greatest and most important, Between the woman and her husband so that deal with him as ordered by Allah and His Messenger that the two spouses to keep his money and happy in everything and care about the affairs of his house and the humiliation of the clean and clean clothes and share in the physical and moral problems and if he passed the crisis Oshi of that be good for him and absorb the psychological condition As mentioned above, remember God 's God and that It is a code for him that what is done and obtained is divided from God without increasing or decreasing in the sense that it is the other half for each other and God knows that you respect him and appreciate him and give him all of her possessions and the most important need for
I think if the woman worked like this with the old man Mahifkr in another era
If he thought, he would remain a man
The man is a big child when a woman wants to treat him with a piece of paper and a tenderness. If he comes from work, he receives him with a bare face and praises him with his effort, and if he brings gifts or gifts to her, and expresses her admiration, and asks her to bed, he decides without objection, showing him his manhood and not trying to lose his respect or respect to any person. Even if it was a mistake and to talk to him calmly and calmly and if he is angry, do not respond to him and try to go from his face and try to keep any of them Zaal even if it is wrong but in the end life shared and understanding between them and must preserve his honor and his money and his children to respect his manhood
To smile at him
To avoid all that bothers him
Not to be overly praised by a man before him even if her father
To look for all that he is happy (as you know them together)
To adorn him
To preserve his money and his children and their reputation and honor

The obedience of the wife to her husband is fixed by the Qur'aan and Sunnah
The study, prepared by Dr. Rachid Kahous of Morocco and published on the site of Islamic jurisprudence, entitled: "Obedience of the wife to her husband and its importance in the maintenance of the Muslim family," that this obedience is fixed Koran and Sunnah, saying: The study also quoted a number of the Prophet's Hadiths, including: If the woman prayed five, and her month was silent, and she saved her virginity and obeyed her Baalah, she entered from any of the gates of Paradise.

The study said: If the husband is required to supervise the family and make efforts in its way, and to spend their needs, and to protect them, and to prevent the evils of them, the wife is required to obey her husband - in the known - when ordering or obliging something, obeying him to obey her Lord, To her Lord.

Obedience is obligatory when conditions are met
The study pointed out that the original ruling in the jurisprudence of Islamic law that the obedience of the wife and her husband is obligatory upon them when the conditions are met.
The study enumerated these conditions, including: that the husband prepares the house where you live with him; because the basis of married life is that women live where men live to achieve the interests of the intended marriage contract.
The study pointed out that this obedience is only in the known, stressing that it is not obedience to the husband that the wife's command to disobey God, or to order something over and beyond her will.
The study said that women have rights as well as duties towards her husband, her family and her community, according to the Almighty: "And you are like those who have good deeds."

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