الأربعاء، 24 أكتوبر 2018

Ways to get rid of self-distrust:

Ways to get rid of self-distrust:


First: take care of your appearance

Experts emphasize that the outward appearance is capable of reviving self-confidence. Wearing elegant clothes, cutting hair in a modern fashion, wearing beautiful jewelery and shoes makes you feel good about yourself, and the beautiful exterior gives you acceptance in your social surroundings. More.


Second: Read the various books

The more you enrich your knowledge, the more self-confident you are, and the people around you will appreciate your cultural level.


Third: Pay attention to the movements of your body

The movements of the body reveal the psychological and psychological state of the person so you should be aware of the movements of your body if you want to appear in front of others with the appearance of the confident of himself, for example walk in steady steps, shake people and you smile, stand straight with your shoulders back, maintain visual communication with your innovator, Do not put your hands in your pocket so people do not think you have something to hide.


Fourth: Think positively

Black thoughts are the reason for your lack of confidence so try to replace negative thoughts with more positive thoughts and be careful to repeat motivational phrases such as I am intelligent, I can solve my problems, to succeed, I will be able to achieve my dreams, these words will affect your subconscious mind and over time will act on Its foundation will make you more confident in yourself.


Fifth: Break the fear barrier

Do not allow fears to dominate your life. It is the reason for your lack of confidence. Understand what your fears and causes are. Look for ways that will help you cope with them gradually, you will be able to get rid of them completely and you will have the courage to try new things. Yourself to a great degree.


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