الاثنين، 22 أكتوبر 2018

Let me ask you

Let me ask you:

Where are you from (a man and a man) and (an eye to see her and ear to hear)!

Do these things God gave you a question or without a question ?!
Your sleep is your comfort .. I laughed you in your name .. I lost your friends .. I drink you .. Did God give you all these things
With a question or without a question?

So how do you say (does not respond to you)!
He gives you without asking him.
Your health is well. .

Your creation without hindrance .. Without psychological illness .. Without default ..
Did you ask him that .. Or did he give you all this without question !!

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that the answer to du'aa 'takes three aspects:

- May God give his servant his question that asked him.

- or distracted from the bad as much as his prayer.

- or God saves the answer to his servant until the Day of Resurrection. So his prayer in this world will be great for him on the Day of Resurrection.

If you see God's answer to your prayer is delayed ..

See yourself ..

See your faith ..

See your relationship with God ...

If the answer is delayed ..
Look around you .. and see how many blessings around you God gave you without question ..
Look around you .. How many calamities and diseases Disasters and painful agendas that God appreciates on others God distracted from you. .

If you are late to answer the du'aa '...
Say, Perhaps God will save it for me on the Day of Resurrection.

See ..
How does God respond to your prayer?

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