الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2018

But not all lust or pleasure created or discovered is the reason not to exploit the exploitation of bad and destructive ... because all the instincts and all the pleasures that Mounted by the human is the two extremes of the natural limit and the heart of the needs of the body and the printing within the accepted and reasonable limits of sex to food and drink and love of money and life ... and another unit is what came out of the acceptable and knowledge and the need and demands of the mind of the human being and the requirements of his being to be destructive and a factor of imbalance and corruption, both the direction of laws and customs status or values ​​heavenly. So we are in front of the harmful situation of exploitation of pleasure and desire sexual related desires and other needs To become a means of livelihood or trade or even to reach the trend and the best case any exploitation of the pleasure instincts for non-natural goals

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