الأحد، 15 يوليو 2018

These qualities desired by men and even wants and aspires to be in his wife work and characterized by:

1 - Obeying Allah in the secret and public, and obey His Messenger peace be upon him, and be valid.
2 - to keep it in itself and its money in the absence of it.

3 - to be pleased if seen, and the physical beauty, spiritual and mental, the more elegant the woman in appearance, the more attractive to her husband and increased attachment to them.

4- Not to leave the house without his permission.

5 - The man loves his wife always smiling.

6 - The woman should be grateful to her husband, she thanks God for the blessing of marriage, which helped them to vaccinate itself and died because of the child, and became a mother.

7 - to choose the right time and the appropriate way when asked for something that you want and fear that the husband will reject him in a good manner and choose the appropriate words that have an impact on the soul.

8 - to be of good creation.

9 - Do not go out of the house embossed.

10 - not to raise her voice to her husband if argued.

11 - to be patient on the poverty of her husband if he is poor, thankful to sing her husband if rich.

12 - Urge the husband to relate to his parents and friends and his brothers.

13 - to love good and strive to publish it.

14 - to be honest and to stay away from lying.

15 - to raise their children on the love of God and His Messenger, peace be upon him, and to educate them to respect their father and obey him and not help them on something hated by the husband and to continue the mistakes.

16 - Stay away from anger and emotion.

17 - Do not make fun of others and do not mock them.

18 - To be modest and distant from pride and pride and show off.

19 - to turn a blind eye if she left the house.

20 - to be Zahida in the world coming on the Hereafter seek to meet God.

21 - to be entrusted to God in secret and in public, neither disdainful nor desperate.

22 - to maintain the imposition of God's worship.

23 - to recognize that her husband is her master, God said (and her master Philly at the door).

24 - to know that the right of the husband is great, greater than the right to her husband.

25. Not to hesitate to admit mistakes, but to hasten recognition and explain the reasons for this.

26 - To be a memory of God, always speaks to her tongue in the remembrance of God.

27. Do not mind that her husband should be reunited with her in the way he wishes and how he wants, except in the house.

28 - that the demands are within the capacity of her husband do not burden him and accept the little.

29 - Do not be arrogant with its youth, beauty, science and work, all this is negligible.

30- To be clean in her body, clothes, appearance and elegance.

31 - obeying him if ordered by an order in which there is no disobedience to Allaah or to His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

32. If you give him something that he does not wish for.

33. The fast of volunteering shall not be fast without his permission.

34 - not to allow anyone to enter his home in the absence of his permission only if it is not mahrams, because it is a quasi-land.

35 - not to describe others to her husband, because that is a great danger to the family entity.

36. Be shy.

37. Do not mind if he invites her to his bedding.

38. If she does not ask her husband to divorce her, that is haraam for her.

39 - to submit her husband's demands and orders to others even to her parents.

40. Not to put her clothes outside her husband's house.

41. Keep away from resembling men.

42 - to remind her husband to pray intercourse if he forgot.

43 - not to publish the secrets of marriage in sexual pleasure, and do not describe the daughters of her sex.

44. Not to hurt her husband.

45. The man wants his wife to manipulate him. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Jabir, may Allaah be pleased with him, "Do you have a slave to manipulate and manipulate you?"

46. ​​If they are free of intercourse, they will be together, because this increases the bonds of love between them. 'Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: "I and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to wash myself from one pot, with our hands different from that of janaabah."

47. Not to spend his money without his permission.

48 - If she dislikes her husband's creation, then she should be patient. She may find another creation that is better and more beautiful, which she may not find in others if he divorces her.

49 - to keep her nakedness only from her husband.

50. Know what her husband wants and wants to eat, and what is his favorite food.

51 - To be a religion with a list of God's guardian of the rights of her husband and his bedding and children and money, specific to him to obey God, if he forgot to mention and Ttkl activity and the anger of his land.

52. If a man feels that his wife needs him, he is closer to her, and when he feels that she is ignoring him and that she is indispensable, whether financial or intellectual, he is bored with it.

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