الأربعاء، 4 يوليو 2018

The more sense that makes you believe that love is real is to reject the idea of ​​alternative, it is with you feel the pleasure of contentment and that it is impossible to replace anyone, and is absent from you feel rejected that his place occupied by anyone else

What I believe is that true love if it is gone deserves a period of mourning

But now the idea of ​​alternative is present in the presence of love, so how if love is missed, and can not be cured of human love only if he gave himself an area of ​​isolation that isolation purifies the past and when you encounter love again you have exceeded the past

Man is changing, then you are not like today, and sometimes you wish that you do not change, there are qualities you wish if you kept it

But the factors surrounding us and our experiences and people who are in the circle of influence in your life are those who have developed qualities and developed other qualities of you

The feeling of anxiety comes in the form of a sense of waiting. Man wants to reach the end of everything until he knows beyond this end, every end is waiting for another end to it

 Every month you wait for something with your certainty that you are not waiting for anything

Why do we find ourselves stuck in a sense of waiting?

Mostly we do not wait for something but this is called existential anxiety

Some learn to evaluate, discriminate, and learn to keep the high-end people because they will not earn the minimum money for them.

To live love under the intellectual bombardment that puts your love under the microscope of analysis and prohibition, then these love stories look like a miracle

In the country she tied music and love with sin and demons

I sometimes wonder what that devil is behind all that


In the country she tied music and love with sin and demons

I sometimes wonder what that devil is behind all that


The lucky one in love here is who makes his love a different world from this reality we live in

Love needs a normal life to continue and feel its effect, but here love becomes

So love chemistry between two people speaking without reason

Do you like the person for his culture or beauty or style or tender can guess a lot of qualities and put in the field of love

Talk without reason after the occurrence of that chemistry come qualities to confirm this love

 The power of love is if something moves in your heart and synchronizes with great qualities then the ceiling of sufficiency comes to you from love

 Every woman dictates what suits her and not others

Why do we connect the purity of women and their morals according to their clothes? It is the woman who imposes her personality

The pain is twice, but the other pain is more powerful than the first

The instincts of the human being were awakened by the people's image

The instincts of the Baha'i people = awakened by the death of the human within them. When the instincts of man died, the instincts of the beasts appeared.


"The wait has made me forget that I waited for him. Does this make sense?

 The harshest thing is to wait for something to happen

 The generation of the 1980s is the generation of confrontation with reality. Everything around it is subject to reality

Marriage is the biggest deterrent to men here. It is governed by the fear of the entire family and tribe

Marriage is the biggest deterrent to men here. It is governed by the fear of the entire family and tribe

Whenever a man's relationship with a woman is governed by a contract and customs become valuable, the other relationships are in secret

Is the standard of customs and traditions

The contract is the one who gave women value and it is not women who gave the contract value

If everyone is not the same, we will find the impact of that change visible in society

It would be nice if you closed your mouth too.

The more sense that makes you believe that love is real is to reject the idea of ​​alternative, it is with you feel the pleasure of contentment and that it is impossible to replace anyone, and is absent from you feel rejected that his place occupied by anyone else

What I believe is that true love if it is gone deserves a period of mourning

But now the idea of ​​alternative is present in the presence of love, so how if love is missed, and can not be cured of human love only if he gave himself an area of ​​isolation that isolation purifies the past and when you encounter love again you have exceeded the past

Man is changing, then you are not like today, and sometimes you wish that you do not change, there are qualities you wish if you kept it

But the factors surrounding us and our experiences and people who are in the circle of influence in your life are those who have developed qualities and developed other qualities of you

The feeling of anxiety comes in the form of a sense of waiting. Man wants to reach the end of everything until he knows beyond this end, every end is waiting for another end to it

 Every month you wait for something with your certainty that you are not waiting for anything

Why do we find ourselves stuck in a sense of waiting?

Mostly we do not wait for something but this is called existential anxiety

Some learn to evaluate, discriminate, and learn to keep the high-end people because they will not earn the minimum money for them.

To live love under the intellectual bombardment that puts your love under the microscope of analysis and prohibition, then these love stories look like a miracle

In the country she tied music and love with sin and demons

I sometimes wonder what that devil is behind all that


In the country she tied music and love with sin and demons

I sometimes wonder what that devil is behind all that


The lucky one in love here is who makes his love a different world from this reality we live in

Love needs a normal life to continue and feel its effect, but here love becomes

So love chemistry between two people speaking without reason

Do you like the person for his culture or beauty or style or tender can guess a lot of qualities and put in the field of love

Talk without reason after the occurrence of that chemistry come qualities to confirm this love

 The power of love is if something moves in your heart and synchronizes with great qualities then the ceiling of sufficiency comes to you from love

 Every woman dictates what suits her and not others

Why do we connect the purity of women and their morals according to their clothes? It is the woman who imposes her personality

The pain is twice, but the other pain is more powerful than the first

The instincts of the human being were awakened by the people's image

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