الاثنين، 11 يونيو 2018

Islamic Society and Human Relationships

Islamic Society and Human Relationships

Question 117: Why do Muslim countries apply Islamic law upon non-Muslims when problems arise in Islamic society?

Answer 117: Islam does not enjoin the People of the Scripture to use or follow the divine creed of Islam. The method of Islam is as follows: if they resorted to Islamic methodology for arbitration, then the Islamic rule should be applied in this case, almighty God says:

So if they come to you (O Muhammad), either judge between them, or turn away from them. If your turn away from them, they cannot hurt you in the least. And if you judge, judge with justice between them. Verily, God loves those who act justly” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 42)

In any other likely case, they could at any time follow their creeds, so long as these creeds have a heavenly origin. Also, God says: “But how do they come to you for decision while they have the Torah, in which is the (plain) Decision of God; yet even after that, they turn away. For they are not (really) believers” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 43). This has already been mentioned in the matters related to creeds and familial dealings and in case they are citizens in the Islamic countries.

As regards civil and financial cases, all people living in Muslim countries must commit themselves to observe the Islamic rules, as these rule serve the opinion of the majority of the citizens. This criteria, the rule of the majority, is applied everywhere in the world, especially in the west. In the various dealings of the common affairs (like traffic, health, education), Muslims themselves almost always refer to civil laws. This also includes many other matters, which have nothing to do with dogma, liberty of belief, familial relationships (like marriage and other things so that they cannot collide with the religion of the Islamic society). As it is decided, contract is the law of the contractors; and anybody coming into the Islamic country will beforehand sign his commitment to the divine laws and manners; consequently, accept the rules of Islam to be applied, if required. This is one form of proving sovereignty to the state, something which is applicable almost everywhere in the world. Constitutions of almost all world countries decree that in the likely case any crime takes place on the land or within the territorial boundaries of any country, then the law and rules of that particular countries are the ones to be applied, without discriminating between the nationalities of the people involved in the crime.

Question 118: Since it is claimed that Islam has undertaken the question of liberating slaves and bondwomen, why do Muslims make of men slaves and women bondwomen when they go to wars? Does not that signify a contradiction in Islamic principles?

Answer 118: It is a fact that Islam has called for the liberation of slaves. There are many proofs to attest for this:
1. Liberating a slave is a kind of atonement for some sins, like indeliberate murder, and dhihar (divorce), oath breaking, corruption of one’s fast in Ramadhan by sexual intercourse and so on.

2. God promised a great reward for those who voluntary liberate any of their slaves.

3. The right of the slave to liberate himself by buying himself from his master;

4. A Muslim is encouraged to pay a portion of his zakat money to those slaves willing to purchase themselves from their masters;

5. The Islamic rule of what is called “arrangement,” which incurs the liberation of the slave upon the death of his master, especially if the master does not have the desire to liberate him during his lifetime. So the choice of freeing oneself is open after the death of the master. The master may say to his slave: “You are be free after my death,” whereupon the slave becomes free immediately after the death of the master.

6. The Islamic rule regarding the women slaves in case they become mother of children to their master upon a sexual intercourse they might have with them. If the bondwoman conceives in this case, she may neither be sold nor rented; soon after her master’s death, she becomes free.

When a war takes place between Muslims and others, and Muslims come out victorious, if an agreement takes place between the Muslims and their enemies regarding the captives, the Muslims are bound to keep their word according to what they have pledged. If there is no such agreement or reconciliation, then Muslims are free to opt for one of the following choices:
1. Ransoming their captives with captives from the enemies, or money is given instead.

2. Setting the captives free against nothing, out of kindness and charity.

3. Killing them to relieve mankind from their evil, and killing only the fighters from them.

4. Enslaving them as a kind of charity so that they could know Islam closely with the hope that they might become Muslims themselves. It is in the right of Islam to kill those who stood in the face of Islam as fighters, but in most cases they are kept alive and enslaved. This is some kind of showing the power of Islam and the humiliation of its enemies. The caliph is the only one who could command enslaving up, it is not left to individuals.

Question 119: Why, upon the birth of a baby, Muslims slaughter one sheep for the girl but two for the boy?

Answer 119: Following the tradition of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Muslims slaughter one sheep for the newly-born girl but two for the newly-born boy. The rationale behind the difference could be to stress the fact that there are differences between man and woman in terms of physical capability and the right of guardianship and responsibility. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “The baby-boy is ransomed by his slaughtered animal.” Since man fights in the path of God and carries the burden of struggle and earning living, he is more exposed to dangers and accidents than woman. Therefore, he is more required to be ransomed with two slaughtered animals for the protection of his body and optimism for his safety.

Question 120: Is it lawful for a non-Muslim to enter the Holy Mosque in Mecca? If not, why?

Answer 120: It is not lawful for a non-Muslim to enter the Holy Mosque in Mecca in accordance with what almighty God has said: “Verily, the mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolatries, disbeliveers in the Oneness of God, and in the Message of Muhammad) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near al-Masjidal-Haram (at Mecca) after this year” (Holy Qur’an: 9: 28). As to other mosques, the reason for a non-Muslim entering a mosque should be taken into account before admitting him/her to do so. If it is for the sake of learning about Islam or for any other reason which meets the needs of Muslims, then it is lawful for non-Muslims to enter the mosque. Entering mosques for touristic or sightseeing purposes is not lawful.

Question 121: According to the Qura’nic verse “So if you gain the mastery over them in war, punish them severely in order to disperse those who are behind them” (Holy Qur’an: 8: 57), we believe that Islam spread by the sword. What is your explanation regarding this?

Answer 121: Islam did not spread by sword, and had it spread by sword or by force, people would have apostatized at the first chance they had, but the situation is just the opposite. Once those people embraced Islam, they turned into proselytize Islam in terms of tongue, money and sword. Holy fight in Islam is meant for overcoming the barriers before the call for Islam to people. If it had been possible to call to Islam without facing barriers or objection by force, Muslims would not have used arms or force on the one hand. On the other hand, many countries, especially in South East Asia and the biggest part of Africa and those who embrace Islam in Europe today, the spread of Islam was in those countries by peaceful call, respectable Islamic dealing of Muslim traders, and Islamic missions in those countries. The west used its colonial influence, societies, preaching missions sometimes in the name of medical AIDS and, sometimes in the name of schools and education. It used those means to spread Christianity; hence, the intention was not completely pure or for purely humanitarian reasons. It was for the sake of exploiting those peoples and reverting them off their various creeds. Through its stooges, the west executed all of its terrorist and aggressive plans. The Christian west wanted to establish secular governments, which had nothing to do with religions, on the basis that those governments had nothing to do with Islam, which was considered by the west as archenemy without justifications.

Question 122: Tobacco did not exist at the time of prophet Muhammad, yet it is considered by many scholars today as unlawful. Why?

Answer 122: Some prohibits have been rendered unlawful by Qur’anc texts, things like wine, eating flesh of dead meat, and pig’s meat. Some other prohibits were declared as unlawful because they were included in a total divine rule, or a general principle rule, things like impurities, and all that is harmful to the body or in wasting money uselessly. All of these things have their right divine evidence. The prophet related: “No harm should be done to oneself or to others.” 1 This saying involves all kinds of harm one might cause to oneself, his money, or to others. It has been proved that smoking is harmful to the body. Islamic beliefs render everything good as lawful and everything bad as unlawful.

If we examine all prohibits, we find that they lead to harm to others because of what they cause. The creed produced general rules according to which things are considered throughout history and place. Analogical deduction In Islam is one of the sources of legislation after the Noble Qur’an, prophetic tradition, and consensus of the companions of the prophet, which is one of the forms of the recognized independent reasoning, and approved by Muslims scholars, which is itself the secret of the survival of Islam, as it meets the renewed needs of Islam and judges their new acts of conduct. To this end, the scholars rendered smoking as unlawful on the basis that it is harmful to the health of the smoker, and a waste for his/her money. Smoking is closer to the group of impurities than to that of purifies. Almighty God said:
he commands them for al-ma`rouf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained); and forbids them from al-munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds, and all that Islam has forbidden); he allows them as lawful at-tayyibat (i.e. all good and lawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, person, foods), and prohibits them as unlawful al-khab`ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), he releases them from their heavy burdens (of God’s Covenant with the children of Israel), and from the fetters (bonding) that were upon them” (Holy Qur’an: 7: 157).

Question 123: Almost all banks do not observe the religious teachings and they deal with interest. But dealing with the bank has almost become a necessity. What harm is there if one deposit his/her money in a bank, with and without interests?

Answer 123: Putting money in interest banks is lawful because of necessity, and necessity is estimated according to its real situation. Accordingly, putting money in interest banks in a country which has monetary institutions, like Islamic banks and its subsidiaries, not dealing in interest is unlawful. Putting one’s money in a bank is originally unlawful if one is not worried about the safety of his money from theft or robbery. If one feels unsafe about the money, there is no objection to putting it in an interest bank, because of the jurisprudential rule which says: “Necessities render prohibits as lawful.”

Anyone who puts his money in an account because he is obliged to keep it safe, can take interest on it, which is better than leaving it to the banks dealing with interest, but he cannot spend the money in the way he wants, as he does with his lawful money. He can give it to the poor and needy people, as they are the only people who could use the money. Any kind of money whose owner is unknown has the reward of delivering it to the poor and needy, but does not have the reward of alms, as alms is given from his completely lawful money.

If the Muslim is obliged to put his money in an interest bank without taking the interest it is lawful too, and once he is able to do without dealing with that bank, he has to withdraw his money.

Question 124: In Islam there is a saying, which goes like this: “Wisdom is supposed to be the goal of every Muslim, he/she should seek it wherever it is.” Can a Muslim in this case follow and/or adopt good western principles a lifestyle?

Answer 124: Muslins are always encouraged to follow what is good and avoid what is bad.
However, when it comes to creed, worship, manners and many things, which have to do with personal dealings, Islam recommended everything good and prohibited everything evil. Almighty God said:

Verily, God enjoins al-adl (i.e. justice and worshipping none but God Alone–Islamic monotheism) and al-ihsan [i.e. to be patient in performing your duties to God, totally for God’s sake and in accordance with the sunah (legal ways) of the Prophet (pbuh) in a perfect manner], and giving (help) to kith and kin (i.e. all that God has ordered you to give them e.g., wealth, visiting, looking after them, or any other kind of help, and forbids al-fahisha (i.e. all evil deeds, e.g. illegal sexual acts, disobedience of parents, polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness, to kill a life without right), and al-munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islamic law: polytheism of every kind, disbelief and every kind of evil deeds), and al-baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppressions). He admonishes you, that you may take heed.” (Holy Qur’an: 16: 90)

Islam urges Muslims to learn useful sciences and advanced system especially in the domain of technology experimental sciences, and the like. Accordingly, there is no harm for a Muslim to benefit from what the west has used to advance itself, if what is used does not contradict the fixed and determined Islamic fundamentals, which are known as being good and useful to mankind.

There is, however, one thing that should be taken into consideration, i.e. some things might be useful temporarily and accidentally. Such things cannot be rendered as lawful though they might be useful temporarily from one point of view. They could be subject to the conventions, customs and tastes of some people. All of this cannot render something lawful, as everything of those principles; conventions and customs should go with the Islamic fundamentals, and people should not differ as to whether people believe it is useful or beneficial. Almighty God said:

And no example or similitude do they bring (to oppose or to find fault in you or in this Qur’an), but We reveal to you the truth (against that similitude or example), and the better explanation thereof” (Holy Qur’an: 25: 33)

Question 125: What is the purpose of prohibiting usury when both partners (the usurer and the one paying interest) are completely satisfied with the transaction?

Answer 125: The satisfaction of both contractors does not render prohibited things lawful, as two adulterer and an adulteress accept to commit adultery, and the agreement of buyer and seller of drugs does not make such matters lawful.

Those who consider matters from a limited point of view want a quick or private benefit, regardless of what disasters of destruction and corruption of the Islamic nation such transactions may cause. Anyone, whether it is a person or a country, who resort to borrow money with interest must be in dire need for that money. What kind of humanity is this that exploits the need and adversity of that man or nation?

When the interest loan is intended for production, and the borrower loses, he shoulders the responsibility and is the only loser, which could be disastrous to him. Had he been able to support himself he would not have resorted to borrowing an interest loan. The two partners should agree from the beginning on both profit and loss. If they make a profit, the profit is mutual and the same applies to loss. The one working will have lost his efforts and time and the lender will lose his money. Almighty God announced war on the borrower and lender dealing with interest. Almighty God says:

And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from God and His Messenger but if your repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums). And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money), then grant him time till is easy for him to replay…” (Holy Qur’an: 2: 278-80)

Question126: Since the Prophet (pbuh) referred to the acceptability of entertaining oneself, are we allowed to play chess or cards for a mere passing of time?

Answer 126: There are certain Islamic rules and regulations that govern the use of different pleasure facilities and entertaining oneself. These rules and regulations conclude any form of entertainment that has been evidently forbidden may not be used for entertaining oneself. Some scholars say they have grounds to believe that chess was forbidden; therefore, Muslims should not play it.

Playing any other kind of game, which is good for health and/or mind, is permissible, provided that there is no evidence of its prohibition. However, playing lawful games should not distract us from fulfilling our duties or indulge us in sinful deeds.

Muslim scholars agree that playing chess is forbidden if it is played as a form of gambling, or if it causes one to neglect a duty like performing prayer. It is also disallowed if it implies lying or cause swearing and/or leads to any kind of harm. Yet, scholars have different opinions: some of them prohibit paying chess altogether, others say it is not recommended; others still, say it is allowed provided that players do not swear, that Muslims should not play with non-good Muslims in the streets, and that it should not be played very often because it may waste the time of Muslims and make them heedless of their religious obligations such as remembering God and worshipping. However, scholars recommend that Muslims are better off not playing such games because the prophet (pbuh) says: “Leave doubtful things, and do things that are certain (to be allowed).”2


Questions and Answers on

The Holy Qur’an and

the Tradition of the Prophet (pbuh)

Translated by
Muhammad Kheir Nadman
Ahmad H. Al-Hout

Chapter 1:

Issues Concerning the Holy Qur’an

Question 127: Is the Holy Qur’an the word of God or that of Mohammad (pbuh)?

Answer 127: The Holy Qur’an is the word of God, and it was revealed to Prophet Mohammad through the Angel Gabriel. God made the Holy Qur’an Prophet Mohammad’s miracle, and He challenged people to bring about anything similar, but they couldn’t meet the challenge, and the miracle and the challenge are still valid now, and they will be until the Day of Judgment. Allah says: “Or do they say ‘He forged it’? Say: ‘Bring then a sura like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can, besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!” (Holy Qur’an: 10: 38). This challenge to bring just one sura, no matter how short it is, similar to the ones that are in the Holy Qur’an is a testimony that this holy book was not written by Man, for had Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) fabricated it, another human would have been able to bring something similar.

It is interesting and valuable to know, in this respect, the difference between the style of the Holy Qur’an and that of the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh). We have at our disposal thousands of books containing the traditions of the Prophet (pbuh), and anyone with any knowledge of Arabic stylistics can easily recognize the great difference between the two styles. The style of the Holy Qur’an is far superior to that of the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh), and beyond the ability of any human to imitate. The Arabs at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) knew him very well, and knew his linguistic abilities before the Qur’an was revealed to him, for they were eloquent and articulate people, and they used to hold public festivities for reciting poetry. Yet, given the clear stylistic differences between the language of the Holy Qur’an and that of the Prophet (pbuh), none of them could say with fairness that the Qur’an was invented by Mohammad (pbuh). Moreover, for all his life before the Revelation, he was never known to have any oratory or poetic abilities, and he never took part in any of the cultural activities they used to hold, because, as everybody knew, he was an illiterate person. A close investigative look at the Holy Qur’an shows many facets of its miraculous nature that further proves that it was revealed by almighty God to the Prophet:

1. The language and style of the Holy Qur’an. We have already mentioned that the prophet challenged the Arabs to bring something similar, but they failed to meet that challenge. The Holy Qur’an still poses the same challenge to people all over the world: “Say: ‘If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support’.” (Holy Qur’an: 17: 88)

2. The way it was composed. The Holy Qur’an was not revealed all at once. Rather, it was revealed throughout more than a twenty-year period, and every time new verse(s) was/were revealed to the Prophet, he asked his companions to place it/them at a certain place in the Qur’an to form a unique sequence. Nevertheless, the Holy Qur’an was completed in its present form as a homogeneous unit, so much so the reader would think that it was revealed all at once.

3. The knowledge it contains. The Holy Qur’an contains a lot of information and knowledge that guides people to the right path. The kind of information it contains is so deep and profound that it would have been impossible for an illiterate person like Mohammad (pbuh), or for any other human, to fabricate it.

4. Its fulfillment of human needs at all times. This makes the Holy Qur’an unique, because It reformed all beliefs, worships and ethics. It also reformed society through guiding people to be united and relinquish tribalism because they are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and that no human is better than another except through piety. The Qur’an teaches people that they are all equal before God. It also preaches justice, forbids usury, allows trade, and so on and so forth.

5. What the Holy Qur’an had revealed after a long wait. The Holy Qur’an contains many verses that dealt with great issues, yet they were only revealed after a long wait. This shows that the Holy Qur’an is the word of almighty God; had it been that of Mohammad (pbuh), there would have been no need for the long wait, as was the case in the verses commenting on the hadith of calumny, and the delay in answering the question of the infidels about the nature of the spirit.

6. Some suras (chapters) of the Holy Qur’an start by the command “say”, and more than 332 verses contain the same command which was addressed to the prophet (pbuh). This clearly indicates that the Holy Qur’an was not the word of Mohammad (pbuh), but that of God.

7. The scientific evidence it contains. The Holy Qur’an contains many scientific facts that were not known at the time of revelation. To save time and space only few examples can be mentioned here; those who want a more detailed account can always refer to the many many books dealing with the Scientific Inimitability in the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an states:
Man we did create from a quintessence (of clay); then We placed him as (a drop of) sperm in a place of rest, firmly fixed; then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (fetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature. So blessed be Allah, the Best to create!” (Holy Qur’an: 23: 12-14).

These verses contain a detailed description of the developmental stages of the embryo, a description that has only been verified by contemporary scientists. So who could have told Mohammad (pbuh) about these stages of embryological development? It has been only possible for modern scientists to learn about these stages through the help of modern X-ray and other technological equipments. Therefore, some scientists converted to Islam as soon as they came across verses like these in the Holy Qur’an, because they knew that no human could have known these facts 1400 years ago. These verses could have only come from the Creator.

Another example is the description of the forming of clouds and rain, something that nobody knew anything about at the time. Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur’an says:

Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap? -then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountains masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away from whom He pleases. The vivid flash of its lightening well-nigh blinds the sight” (Holy Qur’an: 24: 43).

Almighty God explains in this verse how small clouds get together in the sky, and when they form a big cloud rain falls. It is doubtful that anybody had known about this mechanism before modern times.

The Holy Qur’an also talks about the breathlessness caused by ascending to the sky. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
Those whom Allah willeth to guide, -He openeth their breast to Islam; those whom He willeth to leave straying, -He maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies: thus doth Allah lay abomination on those who refuse to believe (Holy Qur’an: 6: 125).

This verse describes the condition of the aberrant as that of a person ascending towards the sky where there is a lack of oxygen: the higher he gets, the more breathless he feels. So who could have told Mohammad (pbuh) about that other than the Great Master of the universe?

There are so many other verses that testify to the fact that the Holy Qur’an is the Word of God through exposing scientific evidence relating to man, the earth, the sky, the sea, the stars, and the planets.

Question 128: How do you prove that the Qur’an Muslims read today is the same that was revealed upon Mohammad (pbuh), and that it has not been altered or that it does not contain fabrications?

Answer128: The Holy Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet (pbuh) through Angel Gabriel. The prophet’s sole and initial concern was to memorize every single piece of it. However, God Himself has promised to preserve this holy book in the prophet’s memory and to enable him to read it. In the Qur’an God says:
Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur’an) to make haste therewith. It is for Us to collect it and to recite it, follow though its recital (as promulgated): Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear)” (Holy Qur’an: 75: 16-19).

Every time the prophet received revelations, he would peruse that to his companions slowly so that they could learn it well and understand its secrets. Night after night the Prophet would spend teaching his companions the Qur’an. He also used to read it during prayers, and Angel Gabriel used to read it with him once a year, and in the last year of his life the Angel read it with him twice.

The Prophet’s companions made every single effort to make sure that they memorized the Qur’an from the very beginning, and they used to pride themselves on having memorized more of the Holy Qur’an. Thus, memorizers and/or reciters of the Qur’an were so many during the prophet’s life. Moreover, the prophet himself (pbuh) had writers of the Divine Revelation, and every time something new was revealed to him he used to say “place it after God’s saying so and so and before His saying so and so.” By the time the prophet (pbuh) passed away, the Holy Qur’an had been already written and memorized. Then it was collected in one book, and later on it was collected again and copied during the era of caliph Uthman (3rd caliph) and distributed these copies all over the Islamic State. Thus, the Holy Qur’an was passed from generation to generation through its memorization and written form, and this is a unique honor to the Islamic nation. Muslims have spread all over the world since, carrying with them copies of the Holy Qur’an; nevertheless, there is no difference whatsoever in the Qur’an that Muslims read in Africa, Asia, Europe, America or Australia, and we have never heard that they have disagreed ever about the precision of the Qur’an, for all of them have agreed that the Holy Qur’an that they have today is the same Qur’an that was revealed to prophet Mohammad (pbuh) by God. Moreover, God promised to preserve the Qur’an. He says: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; And We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (Holy Qur’an: 15: 9).

Question 129: What are the similarities and differences between the Qur’an and the other earlier Holy Books?

Answer 129: Islam is Allah’s sole and true religion, all prophets preached Islam. Islam means full submission to God through unqualified obedience and relinquishing polytheism, because all religions preach monotheism. Almighty God says: “Not a messenger did we send before thee without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no God but I; therefore worship and serve Me” (Holy Qur’an: 21: 25).

As far as basic beliefs and worship practices are concerned all religions are also similar. In the Qur’an God says:
The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined On Noah-the which We have sent by inspiration to thee- and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that ye should Remain steadfast in Religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than Allah, hard is the (way) to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him)” (Holy Qur’an: 42: 13).

Thus, all prophets preached monotheism, informed people about God and the hereafter, and advocated the basic belief in the same messages of divine Books.

The main differences, however, lie in the legislative and commandment laws, because the divine laws are based on looking after the interests of those required to worship. However, what might be feasible for one nation might not necessarily be the same for another. Therefore, the details kept changing without touching the basics, until human societies developed and matured. It was then that God sent His final and eternal religion, Islam. God points to the differences in religious legislations when He says: “To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an Open Way.” (Holy Qur’an: 5: 48).

Question 130: How has it been possible to preserve the Holy Qur’an until the present time? And what is the methodology that was followed to preserve it without change?

Answer 130: The Holy Qur’an has been preserved with great care, and no other book has ever received such attention. During the period of revelation, the prophet (pbuh) did his utmost best to memorize the Holy Qur’an, so much so that God promised His prophet to preserve it:

Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur’an) to make haste therewith. It is for us to collect it and to recite it: But when we have recited it, follow thou its recital (as promulgated).” (Holy Qur’an: 75: 16-18).

Every time new verse(s) was/were revealed to him, the prophet (pbuh) used to memorize it/them himself, teach them to his companions and request some of his companions to write and arrange it/them in a special place before or after specific previously revealed verses. The companions of the prophet (pbuh), and the Arabs in general, were (and still) great memorizers. Ibn Masoud said: “I memorized from the mouth of the prophet seventy suras of the Holy Qur’an while Zaid ibn Thabit (another memorizer) was still a young boy playing with the kids.”3 Ibn Masoud also said: ”I know where and why every verse of the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and had I known someone who knew more about the Holy Qur’an than me I would have ridden my camel and gone to him”. The prophet’s companions were truly hard workers, and many of them memorized the entire Holy Qur’an such as Zaid ibn Thabet, Ibn Masoud, and Ubai ibn Ka’b, to name but a few.

The complete Holy Qur’an was written during the time of the prophet, but it was written on separate sheets of paper that were not unified in one volume. After the death of the prophet, the first caliph Abu Bakr (may God be pleased with him) decided to collect the Holy Qur’an in one volume. Therefore, he commissioned a group of the memorizers of the Holy Qur’an, headed by Zaid ibn Thabet, to do the Job. The chosen committee followed a great methodology in collecting the written sheets of the Holy Qur’an and comparing what was written with what was memorized. One of the main stipulations of that committee was the presence of at least two written copies of the same verses. They did not accept the written version unless it corresponded to the memorized one, and vice versa. Zaid and his colleagues did their utmost best to insure the authenticity of their work. It was related that Zaid asked to be exonerated from this task when he was first selected, but upon the insistence of both Omar and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with them), he agreed reluctantly. He described his great sense of responsibility towards the great task by saying: “I swear by Allah that had they asked me to move a mountain from one place to another I’d would have felt more at ease.”

The Holy Qur’an was first written in one volume during the era of Abu Bakr, and it was kept in his safekeeping until he died. Then Omar took it into his safekeeping, and when Omar died, Hafsa (his daughter and the prophet’s widow) took over the task of taking care of the –till then- only complete volume of the Holy Qur’an.

When Uthman became caliph after Omar, he instructed another committee headed, again, by Zaid ibn Thabet, to write many copies of the Holy Qur’an in order to distribute them in all parts of the Islamic Empire that was growing bigger and bigger.

From what has been said so far, we may conclude the following:
1. Muslims took a great care in writing and memorizing the Holy Qur’an.

2. The Holy Qur’an was written at a very early stage during the life of the Prophet (pbuh). Shortly after his death (within two years), the Holy Qur’an was collected in one volume, and in the era of Uthman, copies of it were distributed in all parts of the Islamic Empire.

3. This great care continues until our modern time. Generations after generations of Muslims have memorized the Holy Qur’an and kept written records of it until now, and every effort has been directed towards keeping the Holy Qur’an safe from any deduction or addition in all parts of the Islamic world. Therefore, it can be said, with absolute accuracy, that the Holy Qur’an that Muslims read in the East and West, South and North is the same one that God revealed to His messenger hundreds of years ago.

It is worth mentioning that the style of the Holy Qur’an is so unique that if someone makes a mistake while reciting it, it is usually possible for the person listening to the recitation to recognize the mistake even if the listener does not memorize the Holy Qur’an.

Above all, God took upon Himself to keep His Book safe. He says: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (Holy Qur’an: 15: 9). One of the indications of this divine preservation is materialistic means that God has facilitated in order to preserve this Qur’an, such as making its memorization easy. Hod says: “And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?” (Holy Qur’an: 54: 32).

Nowadays, the methods of preserving the Holy Qur’an have become more advanced, especially after employing modern audiovisual equipments to serve this purpose. Some excellent reciters have recorded the complete Qur’an, adding to the Islamic audio library hundreds of different beautiful voices reciting the Holy Qur’an, and many of these recitations have been recorded on audiovisual tapes, compact disks, and it has been made available for access on the Internet as well. Thus, almighty God has inspired Muslims to write the Holy Qur’an and take care of it since it was first revealed to the prophet (pbuh) until now, and this will continue to be true till the Day of Judgment.

Question 131: Is the convert’s reward for reading a translation of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an the same as that he/she can get for reading the actual Arabic text of the Holy Qur’an?

Answer 131: The actual Arabic text of the Holy Qur’an is the word of almighty God that He revealed to His prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Therefore, reading the actual text is not the same as reading the translation. Muslims are supposed to get one hasanah (merit) for each letter they read from the Qur’an, and each merit is doubled ten times. The translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an are the words of humans, and the reward for reading them is similar to that which we get for reading Islamic books and commentary interpretations of the Holy Qur’an.

Question 132: How can a non-Muslim learn about the Holy Qur’an if he/she is not allowed to touch it?

Answer 132: Non-Muslims can learn about the Holy Qur’an through listening to it or reading it over the Internet for example. He may also read books that talk about Islam and explain the meanings of the Qur’an. Otherwise, he could be taught about Islam and invited to be a Muslim, and if he/she reverts to Islam he/she will be able to handle the Holy Qur’an and read it.

Question 133: The Holy Qur’an includes precise and similar verses, as well as abrogating and abrogated verses. What is the wisdom behind such divisions?

Answer 133: The Holy Qur’an is precise and perfect book because God formed it in such a meticulous way that no stylistic or semantic corruption can ever affect it. It is also all-similar because the rules mentioned in it are similar and do not contribute to ambiguity in its verses and vocabulary. The wisdom of having precise verses is clear from its definition. As for the similar, Islamic scholars divided it into three types:
1. A type that cannot be known like the time of the Day of Judgment and so on.

2. Another type that man can know like foreign expressions and some rules.

3. A third type that has features of both types (1) and (2), and this type is only understood by well-educated scholars like Ibn Abbas for whom the prophet made the following du’aa, prayer: “May Allah make him well-versed in the religion (of Islam) and teach him interpretation (of the Holy Qur’an)”.

The wisdom of having similar verses can be summarized in the following:

1. God’s mercy upon the weak human being who cannot bear learning everything. If the mountain collapsed and Moses fell unconscious when God revealed Himself, what would it have been like if He had revealed Himself to ordinary humans? It is partly for this reason that God kept the time of the Day of Judgment as a secret.

2. Putting man to affliction and trial: would people believe in the unseen simply because the truthful Prophet told us about it or not? Those who are guided to the right path say we believe! And those who have doubts in their hearts deny it and follow the similar verses as a way of getting around religion.

3. To give an evidence of the weakness and ignorance of man regardless of how technologically advanced people become, and to show the superior powers of God the All-Knowing, so that man would obey and say what the angels said in the Holly Qur’an: “They said: “Glory to Thee: of knowledge we have none, save What Thou hast taught us: in truth it is Thou Who art perfect in knowledge and wisdom” (Holy Qur’an: 2: 32).

4. To accomplish the miraculous quality of the Holy Qur’an.

As for abrogation, we say that it occurred in Islamic law in the sense that God abrogated all previous religions by Islam, and abrogated some Islamic principles by other Islamic ones. The wisdom behind abrogating all other religions by Islam is due to the fact that the latter has the most perfect laws that satisfy the needs of human beings at all times. The teachings of different religions came to satisfy the specific needs of human beings at certain times of historical developments. Islam, however, came only when man was developed enough to receive this perfect religion as the last divine set of laws that combines the benefit of humans with the flexibility of rules, and the needs of both body and soul. It also compromised religion with science and regulated the relationship between God and humans on the one hand, and humans with the world around them until the Day of Judgment.

On the other hand, we can say that God’s wisdom behind abrogating some Islamic rules by other Islamic rules is due to the policy of the Islamic nation, where rules are stipulated step by step to make them easier to follow until they reach perfection. This was possible by guiding Muslims from easy rules to more difficult ones, until success was achieved. The wisdom of abrogating difficult rules by easier ones was to make things easier for Muslims and to show the bounty of God. The wisdom of abrogating a rule with an equally difficult or easy one was to put Muslims to the test so that hypocrites would be known and punished, and believers would be known and rewarded. The wisdom of abrogating easy rules by more difficult ones was to train Muslims and get them ready for what was to come, such as the attitude of Islam towards alcoholic drinks where Muslims were prepared step by step for the acceptance of its final prohibition. This principle of gradual prohibition is unique to Islam.

Question 134: How were the suras (chapters) of the Holy Qur’an arranged? And who gave the suras their present names?

Answer 134: The majority of the Islamic scholars are of the opinion that the arrangement of the suras in the Holy Qur’an came about through revelation. There are some who believe that only part of the arrangement was done through revelation and that the other part was done through the jurisprudence of the prophet’s companions. However, ever since caliph Uthman compiled the Holy Qur’an and arranged it in its present form, the whole Islamic nation accepted it without any alteration or reservation. Therefore, it is a duty upon all Muslims to respect this arrangement and abide by it to preserve the sacredness of the Word of God. As for naming the suras of the Holy Qur’an, there are different opinions: some scholars, such as Al-Suyti, believe that the names were revealed to the prophet; others believe that it was the prophet’s companions who gave these names. However, the existence of more than one name for some suras is evidence that these names were given to suras by the companions. Dr. Subhi Al-Saleh argues that we do not have strong evidence that the names of suras were revealed.4

Chapter 2:

Tradition of the Prophet (pbuh):

Question135: What are the differences among the following terms: Holy Qur’an, the hadith (saying, action or approval of the prophet pbuh) and the qudsi (sacred) hadith?

Answer 135: The Holy Qur’an is the primary source of Islamic law. It tells how a good Muslim should be and how he should behave with his family and in society at large. The rules set by the Qur’an are religiously binding and no Muslim is allowed to break these rules. The Qur’an was revealed to prophet Mohammad (pbuh) in a sequence and on certain occasions that necessitated certain rules. Each sura was either revealed in full or in part according the occasion. The prophet (pbuh) used to ask the revelation writers of his companions to write down what was revealed, and that is how the Holy Qur’an was preserved. The prophet used to recite verses of the Holy Qur’an in his prayers and during his Friday sermons, and teach it to his companions. Ibn Masoud said: “I memorized from the mouth of the Prophet seventy suras of the Holy Qur’an.”5. The companions used to memorize the Holy Qur’an to recite it in their prayers.

It was the divine inspiration that was used to reveal the verse and show its location in the Holy Qur’an. This is why the arranged sequence of the verses and suras in the Holy Qur’an is divine and cannot be tampered with by humans. The Holy Qur’an challenged the Arabs, who were well versed in language, to write an equivalent book to the Qur’an, ten suras, or even one sura. But they failed to do so, and so did the one who followed until our present day, and those who attempted came out with some funny texts.6

The tradition or hadith of the prophet is defined as any “sayings and/or actions of the prophet (pbuh)”. The differences between the Holy Qur’an and the hadith can be summarized in the following points:
1. The Holy Qur’an is the word of God, which is unique in its style, rhythm and content.

2. The wording, meaning, style, stories, proverbs and laws of the Holy Qur’an are miraculous.

3. God has promised to preserve this miracle, the Holy Qur’an, from any changes or alterations till the Day of Judgment. He says: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)” (Holy Qur’an: 15: 9). Therefore, it is one of the conditions of correct reading that the style of writing should be identical to that which was written in era of caliph Uthman, which was in turn identical to the version that was written in the time of prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

4. The Holy Qur’an has been transmitted from one generation to the other in a traditionary way (tawatur), whereby reciters of the Holy Qur’an have been groups of people who could not have conspired to lie. Therefore, the Holy Qur’an has been the most correct book on earth since it was revealed through Angel Gabriel to the Prophet (pbuh).

5. Anyone denying the authenticity of the Holy Qur’an –or part of it- is regarded as blasphemous (kafir).

6. The Holy Qur’an consists of a limited number of chapters (suras) amounting to 114 suras, and each sura is divided into smaller parts called verses (ayat).

7. Reciting certain verses of the Holy Qur’an in each prayer is obligatory, and no prayer is true unless verses of the Qur’an are recited in it.

8. Anyone with minor ritual impurity is not allowed to touch the Holy Qur’an, and anyone with a major ritual impurity is not allowed to recite it.

9. Muslims are rewarded one merit for reading each letter of the Holy Qur’an.

10. The Holy Qur’an should be recited literally and not in the form of interpretation.

The above are the main characteristics of the Holy Qur’an that distinguish it from all other religious texts, including the traditions of the prophet hadith.

The qudsi (sacred) hadith are those that did not originate from the prophet (pbuh), but from God. Thus, the qudsi hadith occupies an intermediate place between the Holy Qur’an and the tradition of the prophet (nabawi hadith). The wording, meaning and sequence of the Holy Qur’an were revealed from God directly to the prophet (pbuh). The qudsi hadith was revealed as meaning only to the Prophet (pbuh) from almighty God, but the wording was from the Prophet (pbuh) himself. Therefore, the qudsi hadiths share with the Holy Qur’an the quality of being ascribed to almighty God, and differ with it in all other qualities. The qudsi hadith shares the qualities of the nabawi hadith in being subject to categorization: true, sound, or weak hadith. The qudsi hadith can not be recited in prayers, a person with minor ritual impurity may touch the book containing it, a person with a major ritual impurity may recite it, and it can be related in the form of interpretation, etc.
The tradition of the Prophet (pbuh) differs from the qudsi hadith, although they were both inspired by almighty God in the light of what He says in the Holy Qur’an: “For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book and Wisdom and taught thee what thou knewest not (before)” (Holy Qur’an: 4: 113); and
Nor does he (the Prophet) say (aught) of (his own) Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him” (Holy Qur’an: 53: 3-4).

The prophet (pbuh) also says “I have been given the Holy Qur’an and another similar thing” in a reference to the fact that the qudsi hadith was revealed by God like the Holy Qur’an. But while the Qur’an was a direct revelation, the qudsi hadith was a mere inspiration. It must be stressed that the tradition of the prophet was guided by God so that the prophet (pbuh) would not do anything against the teachings of Islamic laws. It is in this sense that the tradition of the prophet is ascribed to divine inspiration as well.

Question 136: What is the difference between the tradition (sunnah) of the prophet and the biography (sirah) of the prophet (pbuh)?

Answer 136: The tradition (sunnah) of the prophet is, as we have already defined it, the collections of recorded words, actions, and sanctions of prophet Mohammad (pbuh). It is a recommended, rather compulsory deed. It is usually organized according to the subject under discussion, such as belief, prayer, purity, alms, fasting, pilgrimage, etc. On the other hand; the biography (sirah) of the prophet (pbuh) is the story of the life of the prophet. It tells the actions that happened to him in a historical order. However, sunnah and sirah do sometimes, because sunnah itself is one of the sources of the sirah. And any prophetic saying relates what happened with the prophet at a certain time is recorded as part of the sirah.

Sirah is the practical application of the Holy Qur’an and sunnah, and thus it is more general because it incorporates sunnah as well as what the Prophet as the leader of the Islamic nation and as a human, i.e. actions that did not have religious implications.

Chapter 3:

The Prophetic Biography (the Sirah)

Question 137: How can I really know that Mohammad was a true messenger of God?

Answer 137: We have to point out that:
A. The belief that Mohamed (pbuh) is a messenger of God is a sub-issue that is based on the belief in God. It is illogical to give a single proof that Mohammad (pbuh) is a true messenger of God to an atheist.

B. Looking back into the history of mankind, we realize that God sent a messenger and/ or prophet to each nation to teach them His book(s) and wisdom, and to show them the right path they should follow to enjoy a comfortable and peaceful life, so that they would form a virtuous society and apply His system on earth. No society would ever enjoy righteousness unless its members follow the commands of their Creator, because He knows best what is good for them in this life and the hereafter, since, originally, He ordains what is good for them. But if ordaining is left to people, the society will not be safe. Man-made systems have never been complete, because the human mind cannot comprehend what is good for them in this life and the hereafter.

However, in order to answer the original question we can say:
1. I refer the reader to the argument above in which I gave evidence that the Holy Qur’an is the word of God. To prove that the Holy Qur’an is the word of God is at the same time to prove that Mohammad (pbuh) is His prophet and messenger, because it is universally agreed that the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Mohammad (pbuh).

2. Mohammad (pbuh) claimed that he is a messenger of God fourteen centuries ago; since then, God has not sent any other messenger to contradict this claim. On the contrary, we have seen that God supported Mohammad (pbuh) by giving him many miracles to corroborate his claim of being a true messenger of God.

3. Prophethood is claimed either by an absolutely truthful person, or by a complete liar, and only the ignorant won’t be able to distinguish between the two. There are many ways to distinguish between a liar and a truthful person in matters that are even less important that the claim of prophethood, so it should be easier to distinguish between the two in such matters.

No liar has ever claimed prophethood without being exposed by aspects of ignorance, lying and profligacy, and without showing signs of being obsessed by demons. A true messenger/prophet has to tell about things, give commands and do things that show either his lying or truthfulness. Those who knew the messenger and his truthful nature, knew for sure that he was not lying in his claim of prophethood. A knowledgeable person can tell when a man is satisfied, and when he is in the state of, love, hatred, happiness, sadness, and other states of mind that show on the face of a person. God says
Had We so willed, we could have shown them up to thee, and thou shouldst have known them by their marks: but surely thou wilt know them by the tone of their speech! And God knows all that ye do (Holy Qur’an: 37: 40).”

Uthman ibn Affan (the third caliph) said: “No one has ever intended something secretly without getting exposed by God by showing signs of his secrets on his face and making the person say accidentally what he is hiding”. If this is true of normal daily matters, it is even more so when a crucial issue like prophethood is involved.

Khadijah (the prophet’s first wife) knew his truthfulness and honesty. Therefore, when the messenger (pbuh) told her, having received the first revelation, that he was afraid, she said to him:” Nay. God will never let ye down. For you keep good relations with your kith and kin, tell the truth, look after the sick, receive your guests hospitably, give to the poor, and help people in their daily affairs”. She praised his high values and character, and, surely, God never lets down people with these qualities and values. Khadija soon accompanied the messenger to Warqa’ ibn Nawfal (one of her relatives who was well known Christian priest and among the first to write the Bible in Arabic) and asked him: “Hear thee, uncle, what (Mohammad) says.” Having heard Muhammad, Waraqa’ said “This is the kind of revelation (Angel) that used to come to Moses.”

Negus, who was Emperor of Ethiopia during the messenger’s time, said about him: “His preaching and that of Moses come from the same source”.

Hercules, the Roman emperor, having received a letter from Mohammad (pbuh) inviting him to Islam, summoned all Arabs who were in Al-Sham (greater Syria) at the time, including Abu Sufian who was there on business. Hercules asked about the qualities and status of Mohammad (pbuh), and he realized from Abu Sufian’s answers that he (Mohammad) carried all the signs and qualities of all the true messengers mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, and which Hercules knew only too well. It was documented that Hercules would have become a Muslim had he not feared the wrath of his people, and the loss of reign. The following conversation took place between Hercules (H) and Abu Sufian (AS).
H: ”Has anyone claimed (prophethood) before him?”
AS: ”No”.
H: “Does he have a good lineage among the Arabs?”
AS: “Yes he has”.
H: “Has he ever been accused of lying before he claimed prophethood?”
AS: “Not really, we have never known him to be a liar”.
H: “Was he followed by the weak people or the rich and powerful ones?”
AS: “The weak ones”.
H: “Was anyone of his ancestors a king?”
AS: “No”.
H: “Are his followers on the increase or decrease?”
AS: “They are on the increase”
H: “Has any of his followers apostatized?”
AS: “No”
H: “Does he betray?”
AS: “No”
H: “Have you fought him?”
AS: “Yes”
H: “How is your war with him progressing?”
AS: “Sometimes we win sometimes, somettimes he does.”
H: “What does he ask you to do?”
AS: “To worship one God only and associate Him with nothing; to abandon the commands of our ancestors, perform prayer, be truthful, chaste, and to have good relations with our kith and kin”
H: “I asked you about his ancestry, you said he had good lineage, and messengers are usually chosen from good ancestry. I asked you if anyone of you claimed to be a prophet before him, you said no, and I say had someone before him claimed to be a prophet I would have said that he was just emulating other people. I asked if any of his ancestors was king, you said no, and I say that had any of his ancestors been king I would have accused him of seeking his ancestor’s reign. I asked if you ever accused of being a liar before he claimed prophethood, and you said no. I say that he wouldn’t have left lying to people to lying to God. I asked if his followers were the weak or noble people, and you said that they were the weak, and those are the followers of messengers. I asked if his followers were increasing or decreasing, you said they were increasing, and this is the way of faith until it is complete. I asked if any of his followers apostatized, and you said no, and that is how faith is when it touches the heart. I asked if he betrays, and you said no, and messengers never betray. I asked what he orders you to do, and you said to worship God and associate no one with Him, and forbids you from worshipping idles, and orders you to pray and be truthful and chaste. If all what you say is true, he will conquer my own kingdom. I knew he was forthcoming, but I did not expect him to be one of you (an Arab). If I knew I could reach him, I would have made an effort to meet him, and if I were with him I would wash his feet.”

4. The holy Qur’an that was revealed by God to Mohammad (pbuh) foretold many future events that happened later on in the same way the Qur’an said they would. These events include:
a. God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Truly did God fulfill the vision for His messenger: Ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if God wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut, and without fear. For He knew what ye Knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory” (Holy Qur’an: 48: 27).. And this is what exactly happened, the prophet’s companions entered the Holy Mosque with their heads shaved or their hair cut, feeling secure.

b. God says in the Holy Qur’an: “God has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion –the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived ), to one of security and peace: ‘they will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me.’ If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked” (Holy Qur’an: 24: 55). And, truly, God fulfilled His promise in a short time, for within thirty years of the caliphate era, Muslims reached the borders of China in the East, and the Atlantic Ocean in the West.

c. God says in the Holy Qur’an: “When comes the Help of God, and Victory * And thou dost see the people enter God’s Religion in crowds” (Holy Qur’an: 110: 1-2). Later on, Mecca was conquered, and people entered the religion of God in crowds.

d. God says in the Holy Qur’an: “Say to those who reject Faith: ‘Soon will ye be vanquished’.” (Holy Qur’an: 3: 12). And this is exactly what happened later on, and the non-believers became vanquished.

5. The messenger (pbuh) foretold many events before they actually happened. Some of these events include:
a. When he described the immigration to Medina to his companions, and it happened as he described.

b. He predicted that Muslims would conquer Mecca, Jerusalem, Yemen, Al-Sham (greater Syria) and Iraq.

c. He prophesied that security would prevail in the Arabian Peninsula so much so that a woman would be able to travel from Hira to Mecca fearing nothing but God.

d. Once he told his companions that Ali would conquer the town of Kheibar the next day, and he did.

e. He predicted that Muslims would distribute the treasures of the Persian and Roman Emperors.

f. He said that Persian women would serve in the homes of Muslims, and this happened during the life of his companions.

g. He foretold that the era of the companions would last for one hundred years, and the last companion died in the year 110 H.

h. He predicted that sedition amongst Muslims would not appear as long as Omar, the second caliph was alive.

i. He said that Uthman, the third caliph, would be killed while reading the Holy Qur’an.

And there are plenty of other similar events.

6. In order for people to believe messengers in their claims to be true messengers of God, and in order to strengthen their positions, God aided them with miracles. Some miracles are physical such as the camel of Saleh, Moses’ club, and the miracles given to Jesus such as curing the blind and the leprous and bringing the dead back to life, etc. Miracles could also be abstract and mind challenging such as the Holy Qur’an. Since Mohammad (pbuh) is the last prophet and messenger, God blessed him with many physical, abstract and mind challenging miracles. Some of these are: splitting the moon, the flow of water from between his fingers, increasing the quantity of food and drink, talking to animals, foretelling future events that happened later, being greeted and obeyed by trees and stones, curing the sick, and many other miracles. We recommend the reader here to refer to the book of the Prophet’s Miracles, which is written by Al-Hafiz Abi Al-Fida Ishmael ibn Katheer. However, Mohammad’s greatest everlasting miracle is the Holy Qur’an, which is miraculous in many ways: the choice of its vocabulary, its rhetorical structure that challenged humans and Jin to bring forward a similar one and they failed, then the Holy Qur’an challenged them to bring forward ten suras like the ones it contains and they failed, and they even failed to meet its challenge to bring forward one sura. Such a challenge would only emanate from a Source that is sure that the Holy Qur’an cannot be imitated by humans. Had it been produced by a human being, such a challenge would not have been posed. The Holy Qur’an is also miraculous because it is so precise in relating the history of ancient nations and their stories with their prophets. It also foretold future events that actually happened later on in the way the Holy Qur’an said they would. These are all miracles, especially since Mohammad (pbuh) was illiterate, and did not study history. The fact that these historical and future events were told by an illiterate man can only serve to give evidence that he was a true messenger of God. The just and comprehensive laws and regulations stipulated in Holy Qur’an provide a further proof that it is miraculous. Thus, the Holy Qur’an is miraculous in its entirety: its choice of vocabulary, telling of events, and its verdicts. It is a physical and mind challenging evidence on the true prophethood and message of Mohammad (pbuh).

Question 138: Islamists are nowadays accused of being terrorists and fundamentalists because they often resort to violence, which they call jihad. Is this religiously justifiable?

Answer 138: In order to answer this question, we have to take some matters inot consideration:
1. We have to keep in mind that the media steers the public to the direction that its owners desire. Today, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the only remaining enemy of the West is Islam, because it is the only religion that the West could not, and will not be able to, distort its teachings, suppress its voice, and stop its spread throughout the world. People of knowledge should not become victims of the media that tries to make the general public think that Muslims are terrorists and fundamentalists who exploit the name of jihad in their terrorism and fundamentalism.

2. We need to ask: Who does describe Islamists as terrorists? The enemies of Islam who live inside and outside Islamic countries, and who are afraid of Islam, are the ones who invented this label to Muslims with the aim of degrading Islam and Muslims, alienating people from it, and to put Muslims in the position of the accused in the eyes of international community that is dominated by the USA. In his book The Arab World Today Murd Burger says:
The fear of the Arabs and our interest in the Arab nation does not stem from the existence of oil in huge quantities in their area, but because of Islam! Islam has to be fought to prevent the unification of the Arabs, because this unification could strengthen them. The strength of the Arabs has always coincided with the strength and spread of Islam”7.

Dan Quail, the former American vice president said: “The only remaining enemy of the West is Islam”8. Quail classified Islam in the same category as Communism and Nazism, and the Western media coined a new word to describe Islam “fundamentalism.” The Times magazine once published on its cover a picture that combines a mosque minaret with a machine gun under the headline: “Islamic Danger.” Our natural response to such a description cannot be taken seriously because it comes from an enemy, and enemies have never been fair. Moreover, those who follow the biased Western media that invented these descriptions of Muslims, and those who follow the writings and declarations of Western thinkers and politicians realize that using these descriptions of Muslims when Muslims defend their religion, usurped Holy places, occupied lands, stolen rights and their dignity. This was the case when Afghanis and their Muslim bretherns fought the occupying forces of Communism, which violated international law by occupying other people’s land and killing the people of this land. The West, represented in its media and politics, did not describe then such actions as terrorism or violence, but when the Afghani people rose to defend themselves, their land and religion, their enemies condemned that and described them as terrorists and fundamentalists, and the lying Jewish media promoted these accusations that spread very quickly throughout the international community. This is quite natural given the fact that almost the whole world listens to the West and its media, thinkers, and politicians. They want Muslims to surrender to their enemy, give up their religion and abandon their rights without any resistance; when they do so they resist they will be called terrorists, and what was said about the Afghani people is being said now about the Palestinians in their struggle against Israel. The struggle of the Palestinians is being called terrorism and violence, because they are defending themselves, their Holy places and their land.

On the other hand, what the Jews did in Qubayyah, Deir Yaseen, Sabra and Shatilla, Qana, and other ugly massacres that were carried out against the Palestinian people were not in the eyes of the West and its media terrorism nor violence, but self defense.

The most obvious example in our modern day are the fabrications surrounding the Bosnian war that was witnessed by the whole world, and the international tribunal in The Hague prosecuted its war criminals. We pose the question: has the West found one Muslim war criminal? Weren’t all the criminals either from the Serbs or the Croats? So who should be called terrorists: Muslims or the others?

1 Cited in Ahmad, hadith No. 2719; Ibn Majah, hadith No. 1332.
2 Cited in Bukhari, and Al-Turmudhi.
3 Ibn Masoud and Zaid Bin Thabet are companions of the Prophet (pbuh).
4 Dr. Subhi Al-Saleh, Mabahith fi Ulum Al-Qur’an, p.97.
5 Agreed upon.
6 Cf. Dr. Saleh Redha, Alsunna Alnabawya: ta’reefuha wa hejjyatuha.
7 SeeTowards a Deeper Understanding of the Islamic Reality, by Dr. Abdul Karim Bakkar.
8 ibid

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