الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2018


The meaning of the meaning of the word is: "The one who defies the intention of it, is taken from the verse: Those who read: atheists, wanted: leaning, and those who read: they are defiant, wanted to object.
And the term: suspicion in God or in matters of religious beliefs.
The atheist has a long history, and it has many different images, but the broadest meaning is that it is a denial of the prevailing texts about God or religious beliefs. The word "atheist" was called "Espinosa" because it linked God to science contrary to the Greek religious idea. Gods.
In Islamic society, the causes of atheism differed, some of them from atheism for reasons of nationalist fanaticism, his campaign to be fanatic of the religion of his fathers of the Manic and the Manic paganism, as did Ibn al-Muqaffa and Bashar.
There is a team to escape the costs of religion and ask for the conduct of life rave life, as is the case for many poets who belong to the League of Magi in the words of Abu Nawas.
There is a third team that is divided between the two factors; it combines the behavior of the Majan and the populist nefesh, such as Aban bin Abdul Hamid.
Hence, the author of each heresy, but it ended up finally to the term "atheist" on the Yahya was the lives of mad poets and writers. The most famous of these are atheists: the son of al-Rawandi, who lived in the third century AH.

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