الاثنين، 7 مايو 2018

Surah Al-Imran has paved the way for honoring the woman in the story of the wife of Imran and Mary, peace be upon them, which are the symbol of steadfastness in the land and because women are the factories of men and generations. It is the mother who raises the children of the nation until they become men. The Sura was called "Women" as a tribute to them and their role in the Islamic nation.
We review the verses of Surat Women and their meanings and all the verses of this surah in which justice and mercy:
"O people, fear your Lord, who created you from the same one, and created His husband from them, and sent forth many men and women from them, and fear Allah, whom ye have questioned, and the wombs. Rqiba)
I mentioned the weak types of orphans, women, the sages and others, and urged justice and mercy on them.
1. And they gave the orphans their money, and did not change the malignant by the good, and did not eat their money to your money, for it was great tribulation.
2. If you are afraid that you will not be rich in orphans, let them give you two women, two and three and four hundred. If you are afraid, do not change one or your own.
3. And they gave the women their charity, a bee, but he gave you something of it
4. Do not take the foolish people your money, which God has made you up and gave them and Aksuhm and say to them a well-known word
5. And they have orphaned the orphans even if they reach the marriage, but if you are a rational person, then pay them their money, and do not eat it excessively, and so that they grow up, and those who are rich, let them restrain themselves and those who are poor.

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علم النفس

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