الجمعة، 4 مايو 2018

I never doubt that you are suffering from psychological anxiety, psychological anxiety --------------------------------- appears in many colors and forms It is not necessary for a person to say that I am anxious, nervous, or nervous to say that he is suffering from psychological anxiety. Few people bring you perfect symptoms, but in your lifetime these overlapping ideas, which carry some hard-to-reach wishes, Psychological overload, and these mental energies due to anxiety, no doubt, according to all psychologists.

And some people when he goes to bed resolutely determined that he will not think about, but replaces it by reading something from the Koran For example, there are also those who have the ability to reconfigure the idea and change it differently from the idea that is difficult to access, and this is what you are doing, and this is good and beautiful. ------------------------------------------------- Calculate God and yes the agent in Hosni Mubarak and Aisha Abdel Hadi, they made the Egyptian people served at home and slaves abroad for the Gulf States either Brothers, who believe that the defect and the countries de Let him homes and a lot of empty words like this by saying that you are less than you are ignorant because we are the sons of Noah know them and we treat them human beings fluent in dealing with the other then we are the owners of virtue and Lisso

In any case, the economic and political trend in the coming period is supposed to be towards countries such as Iran, Turkey and East Asian countries if our land is the dignity of the Egyptian citizen and the pride of himself because the Gulf countries are now managed by Western countries and some princes and governors are the administrative administration of their countries and not the owners of a decision, ------------------------- I and people

Law 5: Communication is essential

The frank exchange of thoughts and feelings is the strength of life in your relationship.

Negotiation is required

There will be times when you and your partner have to discuss the obstacles that stand in your way. If you do it consciously and respectfully, you will learn how to get results that benefit both of you.

Your emotional relationship will be subject to the challenge of change

Life is not going in a straight line, and how you deal with the vicissitudes of life is what determines the success of your relationship.

Eighth Law: You nurture the relationship to thrive

How much you love and your relationship will flourish.

Law IX: Renewal is the secret of longevity

Permanent happiness means the ability to keep the relationship fresh and vibrant.

Law X: You will forget all that moment that fall in love

You are aware of all these laws inherently, and the challenge here is to remember them when they fall in love • Love is something that does not have, but it is in the hands of God. If so, how can God hold us accountable for something he owns and does not own?

• The word "love" was frequently mentioned by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on various occasions: that is, it was not something that could be said about

Therefore, man must first be convinced that these ideas are not real ideas in the most, and that they may be difficult to reach, and that ideas should not concern himself, and to put or try any of the above mentioned psychological tricks to eliminate. --------------------------- Of course 6 Abelis and its activists = a group of mercenaries and a picture of the American bullying in the world on the land of Egypt every day take us samples And yes, education and addiction Bvkrny Bnbrtn active in obedience to the Abbasid day, which was the religion of the army, and the day of the work of a press conference and voice and to press, the press on the active heroine, Mfesh Rajal on charges accused by O religion of Adam, the nations of the few daughters Mfjash Rajal in the charges they respect an army and not a people and not even a country

And after Adnan you are defending the active Habla Um Badawi and do not defend the military tribunals if I defend the activist I like to think of the Egyptian example of Besharkoa Shafhohm and Bichangoa together on the 15,000 dollars and do not forget O Adamn Khnaqp active and 6 Abelis on the division The money is what we do from mercenaries heroes and laugh at people and 20000 pounds for the American and Serbian activists not Floss Ya Ragel Show the confusion and freshness and Mobilat and Lbtobat and Arabs active obedience Hahaha Haha was the dream of my life active view uniforms ----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- For the seeker of love and happiness

Seeking love and happiness

She asked me to look for love and happiness to live in satisfaction and tranquility and live and acknowledge her heart

ولكن كيف يكون ذلك وقلبها تعج آثار صعب المراس، مع الفوضى وعدم الاستقرار والتوتر غير مستقر نتيجة الصراعات؟ يجب أن نستعد لهذا القلب وسائل الراحة والاستقرار الروحي. أولا، نحن اشتقاق النقاء الروحي من الله. وقال انه خلق ويحكم كيف أن هذا يستند إلى دين آخر غير الإسلام. كيف يمكننا أن يقنعها أنه لن يتم وصف قلبها ما لم يتم تسويته على الفطرة الأولى من الله والإيمان بإله واحد؟ التوجيه من الله والأسباب. والسعادة دون تغيير حتى لا تلمس أسس الدين من حيث الإيمان بالله سبحانه وتعالى وهذه القضية قد تكون صعبة لعدم رغبة أنسنة تغيير على محمل الجد من حيث الإيمان والتغيير من الآثار الدينية شاحب والرواسب علقت نقاء القلب من الأفكار المظلمة،

أما المستثمر يأخذ الأرض

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