الأحد، 6 مايو 2018

I am a very shy person. I want to become bold and get out of my heart

Sometimes, even if I do not make up with someone who is defending myself, the person will hurt me and break my prestige, and I will return things that I do not know. I will defend him and I will stop him, afraid of two of my husband's brothers and sisters.

How to merge with them I am very good if the person knew me how to .. How can I help myself and be strong and assertive and I personally independent and this is a big problem and not simple .. And I want to forget the past how ?! Learn how to relax, especially respiratory relaxation is very useful in overcoming anxiety when you are in the middle of a group and feel worried Take a deep breath and repeat this process several times because breathing will help you to reduce your anxiety. We accept the past and look at it from a different angle, focusing on what we have learned from our past and our experiences. In this way, we shift our focus and attention to the negative emotions resulting from past experiences such as grief, anger, pain, fear, distress, To focus attention and positive aspects
We accept the past and look at it from a different angle, focusing on what we have learned from our past and our experiences. In this way, we shift our focus and attention to the negative emotions resulting from past experiences such as grief, anger, pain, fear, distress, To focus attention and positive aspects
When you are in the middle of a group and feel anxious take a deep breath and repeat this process several times because breathing will help you to reduce your anxiety.
Learn ways to relax especially respiratory relaxation is very useful in overcoming anxiety
I am a very shy person. I want to become bold and get out of my heart

Sometimes, even if I do not make up with someone who is defending myself, the person will hurt me and break my prestige, and I will return things that I do not know. I will defend him and I will stop him, afraid of two of my husband's brothers and sisters.

How to merge with them I am very good if the person knew me how to .. How can I help myself and be strong and assertive and I personally independent and this is a big problem and not simple .. And I want to forget the past how ?!
If I was talking to someone and flying some of his saliva on my hand or face or sneezing or coughing on me, I would immediately wash the places that had been exposed to the saliva. If I did not wash that place and touch my clothes or money, I would wash what I had touched from my clothes, His hand then touch the door lock or computer keyboards so I can not touch it behind him

And if I had to wash my hands and have a problem in these places, thank God at the moment, less concern and I want to help guide the correct behavior, how to behave in the situations that I will list you

1 / If I talk to someone and fly a little bit of dribbling, sneezing or coughing towards me, do I wash the place or ignore the matter and the solution? Join a target group The patient shares the same problem Working in a group that will affect each person well by sharing experiences, sharing experiences and presenting different views. This method is conducive to the maintenance of the treatment and resistance to surrender. Focus on the goals and stimulate them in yourself periodically reviewing the idea of ​​succumbing to the disease. For a continuous process, and in the event of failure of the patient once will have to return to the starting point again.

Be with God, Blessed and Exalted is He who gives and forbids and deprives and grants, so be close to the Almighty, this is one of the strongest reasons for psychological support, continue with close friends and loved yourself go out with them and interact with them and his righteous.
If I was talking to someone and flying some of his saliva on my hand or face or sneezing or coughing on me, I would immediately wash the places that had been exposed to the saliva. If I did not wash that place and touch my clothes or money, I would wash what I had touched from my clothes, His hand then touch the door lock or computer keyboards so I can not touch it behind him

And if I had to wash my hands and have a problem in these places, thank God at the moment, less concern and I want to help guide the correct behavior, how to behave in the situations that I will list you

1 / If I talk to someone and fly a little bit of dribbling, sneezing or coughing towards me, do I wash the place or ignore the order?

Take care of yourself and spend your time in seconds Remember God ask forgiveness of God Read Quranic verses March Sports movements hope reflection of the universe and creation March useful programs witness the sound of your voice high ..
Brother :
You are always afraid to embarrass yourself in front of others and make you fear of talking to others, and feel distracted concentration during the talk in front of others and tension and increasing heartbeat when presented to the imam of worshipers, and afraid to lead and talk on occasions and when exposed to one of the previous positions, feel redness of face and shyness and tension and anxiety.

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