الأحد، 6 مايو 2018

Herbal remedy for the dissection of

Herbal remedy for the dissection of kidney stones, bladder, ureters, urinary incontinence and urinary incontinence Herbal treatment for the dissolution of kidney stones, bladder, ureter and urinary incontinence in children and incontinence Herbal treatment for the dissolution of kidney stones, bladder, ureter and urinary incontinence in children and urinary incontinence
The most powerful herbal remedy for the dissection of kidney stones, bladder, ureters, urinary incontinence and urinary incontinence
To break the pebble
What is the kidney stone?
Is a solid body that forms in the kidneys. The size of this body, known as kidney stones, varies from a small size that can only be seen in the naked eye to the size of the golf ball, which is about 4.7 cm in diameter and is mainly made up of men. It has caused severe pain if it has spread out in the urine outlet. Most kidney stones are made up of calcium salts and usually have different forms. In many cases doctors can not determine the cause of the formation of stones and some people have the ability to be alkaline stones, because they absorb the amount of calcium through their diet and remove excess calcium in the urine, but may crystallize some calcium before leaving the body forming a pebble.
Most kidney stones pass through the urine to the outside of the body and are often accompanied by severe pain, and when the pebble of the stone may require the aid of the doctor to extract. In some cases, the doctor can remove it by inserting a flexible tube inside the ureter, a channel that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Doctors may sometimes use a laser or a machine called a "lithotripsy" to treat kidney stones. In a laser treatment, the doctor inserts a "visual lava", a thin piece of glass or plastic into the ureter until it reaches the gallstones. The laser then generates a bundle of energy passing through the fibers and the stones divide into small pieces that come out with the urine. The patient is in a water bath. Shock waves break down the gravel.
The kidney stones have a long and mechanical medical history that they were under many experiments in which evolution occurred. The kidney stones remained a disease that is confused and varies in their precise sizes such as sand grains. These can fill the kidney basin cavity and are formed in the kidney or ureter or bladder. To calcium oxides (oxalate or phosphate), uric acid stones, or ammonium phosphate and magnesium gallstones each type of these stones has many causes. The treatment depends on the composition of the gravel and the causes responsible for the formation of each type separately, all previous types share the same condition and symptoms of the disease, but the appropriation over the saturation of urine micro-modified material by crystalline inhibitors, as in the case of the formation of calcium stones. Patients with kidney stones have the same symptoms and some stones remain static and discovered by chance during the radiographic assessment, in the absence of certain reasons for kidney patients and the passage of stones to the ureter followed by acute pain affecting Calledrenal This is not common in the case of small stones and sand, With a few pains, not all stones are transmitted to the ureter, some of which remain in the main place and continue to grow, and show clinical symptoms in the form of blood in the urine, inflammation in the pelvis or kidney closure. There are many factors responsible for the formation of stones, including: place, type, disease , The formation of filaments mutated according to the shape of the place, sex, strain, and potential food.
The kidney stones are a serious problem, especially in men, where the patients suffer from severe heartburn and urine urination abnormally, pointing out that 80% of the kidney stones result from the accumulation of calcium in the kidneys because of the low concentration of Wall Street The imbalance in the body's metabolism leads to poor absorption. The researchers pointed out that surgery to remove the gravel or using laser to dissolve into small stones graduated with urine, does not guarantee 100% cure, and the relapse may lead to kidney failure, which has no cure so far except for the process of new kidney transplant, so Overcoming this condition in its early stages is an effective treatment for the disease.
They confirmed that kidney stones can be discarded at the beginning of their form by taking two capsules of potassium potassium daily, but that their high price can not be used by many. The drink of lemon juice, a lemon juice known as streas orantifolia, A simple, easy and inexpensive method to increase the content of citrate, which prevents the formation of calcium crystals and converted to kidney stones in urine, because of its rich elements of potassium and streate.
1) Calcium stones: Many types of imbalances, especially the high secretion of the first parathyroid gland, are more prone to the formation of stones. The effect of sex and sex resistance can be overcome. This can be considered as a means of diagnosing the value of the search for the cause of the stones in white and black women. The condition of the high secretion of the first parteroid, but most patients are a mixture of calcium or calcium phosphate or calcium phosphate or both. In ordinary individuals the amount of calcium used in the body of food is controlled through vitamin D and the hormone parathyroid. Calcium can be controlled by the amount absorbed by the intestine where it absorbs a small amount of calcium. In the case of patients with the formation of stones most patients leave a large amount of calcium in the urine (more than 300 mg in 24 hours) and indicates that the increase of calcium absorption of food in the intestine and therefore in treatment Dietary intake of calcium should be reduced to about 600 mg / day. However, there is a lack of previous studies on the approval of the benefit of this diet. Some believe that the reduction of calcium in food causes a secondary increase of secretion of parathyroid gland hormone.

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