الجمعة، 11 مايو 2018

15 questions and answers depends on your courage and your friendship ,,,
And who enters the subject considered before the challenge and need to respond ...!
We appreciate how many members are bold enough to ask questions ...

<1> - Describe yourself with only two words ..!

<2> - What did you regret doing?

<3> - A word I wished you could pull out?!?

<-> Last person you remember before you sleep?!?

A crime you wish you could commit?

<6> - Zagel carries a message for you ,,, Who would you like to be?!?

<-> Someone you've always dreamed of?!?

</ HEADLINE> <->

<-> Your position will not be forgotten?

<10> - someone who wants revenge from him?!?

</ P> <p> </ p> <p>

<-> a person or a non-Hungarian person your life?!?

Dream can not be achieved?!?

A word you would like to hear every day?

<-> The moon - the sun - the stars ... ... who prefer the reason?

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