الخميس، 12 أبريل 2018

Western terrorism

Western terrorism
Governments of their peoples entered into the efforts of the war on terrorism and market evidence on the benefits of the September 11 attack on the US economy and that the hidden scenario was the American leadership of bin Laden and the Taliban for this attack, as they led them to the Soviet war under the religious slogans, this attack served the industrial and financial pressure groups directed US policy The war in the Korean War, which took the United States to its first crisis after the Second World War, brings us back to a documented journey full of historical evidence of the origins of undeclared Western civilization. D in his logical way these assets to show the hidden assets: What we get from our civilization degenerate ?? Paul Valery emphasizes that three traditions that formed Europe: Christianity, specifically Catholicism in the moral sphere, the continuous influence of Roman law, Greek heritage in the field of thought and the arts, and why separate these three streams from their sources? Because it is the birth of the illusion that the West is only an absolute beginning (not a thing before it) and that it appears as a single isolated incarnation as a kind of historical miracle. This is a denial of what is essential: what has been agreed to be called West is born in Iraq and Egypt, in Asia and Africa ... Garodi refutes the mythical myths in this West, such as the myth of the chosen people of God, the Hebrew, which has not been supported on the ground in all archaeological research that took place in the Middle East and not even the Hebrew presence itself, which may be at best transient tribes migrated from the Arabian Peninsula within migrations Aramaic and coexisted with the Canaanites and printed their heritage so that The Bible is almost indistinguishable from the Canaanite Torah, ie, the Canaanite texts discovered in the head of Shamra until unification, which we find not exceptional in the Hebrews, but King Akhenaten found the entire region of unification (the unification of the god Aton) until Psalm 104 in the Torah is fully inspired by the " The land of the promise and the divine promise of Abram (Abraham), on which the West relied to legitimize the Israeli invasion of Palestine, is found in the Canaanite and the Hittite tribes. The Canaanite god always promised the shepherds stability. The idea of ​​the chosen people was the bloodiest in history. (The Puritans) The Puritans were a radical Protestant sect that migrated from England to the Netherlands and then to America, which they regarded as the Promised Land - the Promised Land, the Crusader State, and the Remedigal, the Tahrir Massachusetts: From Egypt to the Land of the Jewish Promise And Trojan) who arrived in America and considered it the Promised Land for them and by this justification removed from the American Indians and stole their lands in addition to the massacres of the Catholic Church in Latin America, which wiped out civilizations superior to zero and the exact astronomical calculation of the days of the year, Its established cities organization in Peru, Mexico and British Honduras this religious intolerance remained behind the US policy today until the Fall of President Nixon that "God is with America and wants to lead the world." This part of the book brings us back to the most important books Garaudy and who was tried because of France's democracy !! (Jesus Christ) that the ideas of Paul radically differ with the nature of the message of Christ but are influential in the history of Christianity, but Paul was reconciled between Christ and the Old Testament David the commander of the soldiers And then with the Lord, even though Christ never claimed that he was not only Judaizing Christianity, but turned him to Dinah Helenstein, the founder of the theology of control, Constantine's alliance with the Church at the Council of Nicaea in 325 and issued the first orders of apostolic atonement to Bishop Arius of Alexandria, Distinguished from God only and Hurb and Tal His faithfulness was recognized by the Synod as the faith of Paul, who made obedience to the emperor's orders a duty. He was David's new sons. This version of Christianity was what Constantine wanted to ensure his control over the people. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Church authority became a kind of terror against anyone who violated the Nicene Council doctrine The Church in this role in the support of power to our time with the support of fascism and Nazism through the Crusades and the slave trade and the Inquisition and so far the Church fights any direction of liberation from this theology of control has been the largest example of the Church's fight this trend New is the war it launched in cooperation with the CIA against the liberation theology of Latin America, one of the greatest promising movements of our time. The myth of limiting the sources of Western civilization with the Greek-Roman culture and Jewish Christianity overlooks that the Europeans used the compass of the Chinese to sail on the high seas and reach what they call the great geographical discoveries. Thanks to the Chinese gunpowder, the success of their colonial campaigns also succeeded by following the model of Arabs and Andalusians in unifying East and West, Experimental Methodology and Science Development. Capitalism: Any society that led to the emergence of a man with the sole goal that the infinite development of science and technology is expected to satisfy his desire for control and benefit. And colonization: any society that supports the transformation of robotism is the standard by which everything is evaluated and the sole axis of the historical initiative and the only creator capable of the only historical initiative and the only creator of power denouncing it and destroying all non-Western cultures and all other modes of thinking and life. In a more positive way, we can say that the development of the West was the main condition of the plundering of the three continents and the depletion of their wealth

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