الجمعة، 13 أبريل 2018

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not be subject to the word" ie, "to speak to men, His heart is not true [the true heart] is not in lust for what God has forbidden, it is almost not tilted and not driven by reasons, the health of his heart, and his safety of disease.

This is a modern hadeeth, narrated by al-Tabarani in "The Central Dictionary" (6504): Narrated by Muhammad ibn Dawood bin Aslam al-Sadafi, Obeidullah bin Abdullah al-Munkdari, Muhammad ibn Isma'il ibn Abi Fadik said: I heard Abu Muhammad al-Shami say that he heard Abu Hurayrah That he heard Anas bin Malik says: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: (No people of the house die of them dead Vtasqon him after his death, but Ihd Aha him Jibril peace be upon him on a platter of light, and then stands on the brink of the grave and says: O owner of the deep grave, this gift donated to you your family Vaqublha. Enters it, rejoice in it and Astbhr, and grieving neighbors who guides them with something) said Tabaraani heel:
"This hadeeth is not narrated from Anas except by this attribution, by Ibn Abi Fadik,
Al-Haythami (may Allaah have mercy on him)
"Narrated by al-Tabarani in the middle, in which Abu Muhammad al-Shami said about him al-Azadi: liar."
End of the "compound Zuayad" (3/139).
Shaykh al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Da'eefah (486). He said: The subject of ... the hadeeth of the hadeeth from Abu Muhammad al-Shami. Al-Dhahabi said: A hadeeth was narrated from some of the ablution.
As well as in the "tongue", as if they wanted to talk this evil.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever speaks to me with a hadeeth who sees that he is a liar is one of the liars." Narrated by Muslim in the hadith of al-Saheeh (1/7). ).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not be subject to the word" ie, "to speak to men, His heart is not true [the true heart] is not in lust for what God has forbidden, it is almost not tilted and not driven by reasons, the health of his heart, and his safety of disease.
 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not be subject to the word" ie, "to speak to men, His heart is not true [the true heart] is not in lust for what God has forbidden, it is almost not tilted and not driven by reasons, the health of his heart, and his safety of disease.

Unlike the patient of the heart, who can not bear what is right, and does not tolerate what he is patient with, the minimum reason exists, calls him to haraam, answers his call, and does not hurt him, this is evidence that the means, have the provisions of the purposes. But if it is not a means to the haraam, it is forbidden to do so. Therefore, in addressing men, women should not complain to them.

And when they do not succumb to submission to say, they may have thought that they are commanded to exaggerate the saying, pushed this saying: (and said a well-known word) ie: not rough, not dry as it is not Blaine subject.

And she said: "Do not be subject to the word" and do not say: "Do not be lenient by saying". This is because the one who forbids it, the soft saying, in which the woman submits to the man, And he said to Moses and Aaron: "Go to Pharaoh, he is overwhelmed, and say to him a word of lamentation, perhaps he will remember, or he will say to him, Fearing}

And he said: "Let him who has a heart in his heart feel sick" with his command to keep the vulva and recite it to the custodians of their wives, and the saheehs, and forbidding him from offering adultery, that the slave should, if he sees himself from this situation, and he is afraid to do what is haraam when he sees or hears the words of his companions. The reasons for his greed have gone to haraam, so know that it is a disease.

So strive to weaken this disease and resolve bad thoughts, and strive for the safety of this dangerous disease, and the question of God infallibility and conciliation, and that of keeping the vagina ordered.
When will we restore harmony between body, spirit and mind?
We restore them to internal peace!

The inner peace makes you alone control the situation. This is an extremely difficult goal, and it takes us the effort to reach it, but those who enjoy internal peace have what we can call the restoration of control. They understand not to move behind positions that might affect them. The boat has its balance!

It is not important to delve deeply into the meaning of inner peace, and it is not important to find a definition and detail of it, but what is important is to live and taste it ourselves; and to know the strategies that make us under its shadow!

Here are some ways to achieve this peace:

1- Respiratory Life:

Every day, give yourself only five minutes of relaxation and meditation. Breathe in deeply, and pray for yourself

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