الجمعة، 20 أبريل 2018

the companion of our master Moses,

Do you know who is the companion of our master Moses, the companion of our master Moses, in Paradise?
☜kan Moses was calling him Alsalam☜ God ☜vicol O Lord, show me Rafiqa☜ in paradise I want to know Mn☜ Serafgueni in Ganh☜ Almighty God revealed to Moses, O Musy☜ the first man to pass you is your companion in Paradise,

☜ Then Moses, peace and blessings of God be upon him, who will pass on me, but a man does not know Moses, and he does not know Moses, peace be upon him.
☜o thought that Alajabh☜ would be a prophet of the prophets ☜cetkon famous man ☜beslaha this man is Marov☜ Vtbah Moses, peace be upon him wants to see why this man ☜sar his companion in Paradise says, he entered the old house ☜vdechl man sat in front of an old woman Moses and Ergbh him peace from afar, ☜amroh old man on the ground ☜jalsh large elderly woman entered this young man greeted them Alleha☜ If it says cook meat ☜asna food ☜oaota food is the one who came Btaam☜ Vsnah and put food near water came ☜tm took the food and taking He will put it in her mouth N the house rank ☜ The house cleaner ☜ Ogle the mouth of this old man ☜ Get out of his house The man does not know that this ☜ Moses peace be upon him Moses
And Moses said to him, peace be upon him: "So some of this old woman who entered it then fed it food and drank it and washed it and did it
He said this Ahab☜: It's my mother * ☜ Moses, peace be upon him, said: ☜ Do you call for this mother of this young man said: ☜ Yes calling me Kthira☜ but her prayer does not change * ☜faqal Moses, peace be upon him: ☜ and what calls you this mother
He said to him: ☜: invite me to invite one always says God Oh God, make this son with Moses and Ibn Omran in Paradise
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💥 * Moses said to him peace be upon him: ☜ preach the servant of Allah, praying to Moses ☜oona Imran ☜oont God, my companion has responded in Ganh☜ the Almighty said: (( "He spent your Lord not none but Him and dutiful to your parents either they reach old age you have one or both do not And say to them a word of generosity, and lower the wing of humiliation from mercy, and say, Lord have mercy on them as he raised me small "))

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