الجمعة، 6 أبريل 2018

She knows .. you know his look of

She knows .. you know his look of seduction. The lips that do not close and do not open completely, but leave a small Hungarian to leak his desire to the eyes of the thirsty eat them eat.

Do not mock and start with nonsense !! Rebellion is not only the rule of the wise, the rebellion, the rebellion that comes out of the restraints of yourself and rebuffs your fears and makes a new person able to continue life with all its successive disappointments, this is the real rebellion.

Always fascinate me with your love and your intelligence.

- I am always passionate about Bnratp I like you when I defeated you in the discussion as usual.

I ask you not to fall in my love I am the remains of a human being and the remains of the pulse and the remains of feelings do not consume your feelings with the wrong person.

- Unfortunately I came to your advice in the late time .. And then tap on his shoulder and was surprised to leave:

-I will wait for you tomorrow, you bastard in our favorite cafe, I miss the voice of your ugly Dandentk with the "six" to meet ..

"The problem is not I love you, not vice versa I can love you more than the first, but the need for the words turned bright and remained Bahth, the need to have paid and buried Tanur Lake." He hated the hypocrites, the hatred of people who Pettlon every evil, hate those in their hearts disease, hate The people who are always fabricated, to hate those who are always mocking the role of the victim, the hatred of the complex people in their relationship, the hatred of the tired people who are always in need of Nberrlhm every need, to express the people Oi people how impossible their souls!

"The threshold is not to consider, the threshold is also on the heart that beats to the person Misawash, the thresholds on the feelings we have suffered with people Istahlhash, the threshold on energy, which we consumed in justifying our behavior and justification, we have reached me this ?, the thresholds of our absence, which is in the mud that buried us We are in it, the thresholds on the time that we have to be healthy people in the wrong time, the thresholds on the long disappointments that let us lose hope, who said I am not to consider? "

Impressive though you are not the most beautiful women in the world, why see you as well?

"Can you take me to a world of our own? Far from the ruin of our city, a world in which we share the dance of the rain of the sky, our bodies join together as a musical misfortune to me, and our bodies sway with the taste of freedom we have not seen in our holy city, but only in our parallel world "

Types of love

1. Psychological love to the point of Narcissism, by the people of the people, but I like them, medicine I work, I am rigid.

2. Love life, not any life and salvation, for life, which I choose for myself, such as writing course, drum course, needs.

3. The love of the children of small Kvov .. God, where life, and the subject of Badri forces I know Achrhulk.

4. Unintentionally, unintentionally, sensibly defined form or desired specific need, is love for the sake of love.

5. The love of the beloved, which must be the love of sacrifices and concessions and shit, no, must be love.

6. The love of the Sahab, which is to moisten your heart with the sweetness of water in the heat.

7. The love of my mother and father - may God have mercy on him - and I love them because they are my sincere, I love them because they are sweet and they love and love.

8. The love of Nubia and the great and the grave on the Nile, the pre-planting and spinning in green.

9. Love Shahwani, which is a Bbqe exist only sensuality, Anschlh bosom and no hand held, but in the form of love Shahwani not motivated by pure love.

10. The love of the sea and its alone is the sweetest love means, it enriches many people and types of love so much, can Mignich for self-love, but sings for other needs.

11. The love of the important person that we all have from him, which is important to us and he is not interested in us at all, is important to us for a reason

The similarity is more an attribute that makes us feel bored. We almost lose sight of everything. Our society seems to unite and swear on one part, which is to be similar, to find similar pages, to read the event more than once, either through copying or thanks to tradition. Ramadan, Eid, the beginning of the holiday, the end of the holiday, the afternoon of Friday, the national holiday, you feel the routine is something strange Most people escape the routine and we are looking for it, each person holds something different from the other but does not seek to know or has the courage to show it closer Means is tradition to protect itself from criticism, but if society It is a sign that society is rigid and will produce rigid generations because difference is what drives society and liberates it from enslavement to customs, traditions, ideas or people. Similarly, creativity kills. This means the death of art. This is what we really witness. We live on the ruins of an old art.

"Since our last hug, your heart still beats between my ribs"

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