الجمعة، 13 أبريل 2018

See Elicki
I discovered the secret of my burning sensation and the burning of longing in my chest
Ashtal nostalgia and love
Your addiction and how to heal I do not know ?? I love you ..
O who stole my heart from me
Oh my life is not mine
O whom I loved with all my heart
Who led me to the imagination
I drank love from Casc ..
And the taste of roses Bnavsk ..
Because you are tortured with your senses ..
And I'm fond of you and Wolhan ..
I dug your name on my heart ..
And planted your picture between the eyes ..
And I do not see or imagine anyone else and you become intrigued ..
I never deny my love and never hide from you I will never love anyone else
I do not wish to be taken away from you because I still love you
My heart still beats with love
But now I will love you silently silently.
Do not marvel.
I know that I will live through this punishment
I will try to live without you
But I will not fear you from my heart
I can barely touch your face as I go on in my imagination

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