الخميس، 12 أبريل 2018

- Rank the wheel of your life every

1- The owner of all is single.
2 - to understand the love in all its details, not linked .. And if linked to remain her mother and her supporters in the night of fate
3 - The words of all people are wrong, whatever is right or wrong.
4 - the most successful relationships hidden.
5- Your high college is not proof that you are a genius, nor is your normal college proof that you are trivial
6 - Egyptian education is a "nich" costume, no sixty required but necessary to maintain an existing.
7. If you know that you are a "banadol," try a headache.
8. You are not the axis of the universe no matter how famous you are.
9 - Do not laugh to me, I am about to love you
10 - I do not require people to see you when the need to do it is completed, if you love it in it, even if you do not pay attention at all.
11 - Live your life, you can not hold any limit whatever the degree of success.
12 - Matahovesh lives like a movie hero, because it is a written story designed to impress all people
13. The first thing to start walking, Haiban Road, the important start.
14 - A poet, and if Scorpio killed him before he speaks
15 - As much as the taste comes to the pomegranate.
16 - Mtmshish Tddak in your spirit and limit, whatever Maine.
17 - every need to infringe, but it is a violation of the full extent of the needs of Maabdush.
18 - Try to keep the sweetness of the beginnings as long as possible.
19- You are what you believe.
20 - thought and Matmshish and flock, many are not proof of the validity of the curriculum.
21 - Dead fish Belloum with the current, and the fish is clear, but he chose his way.
22 - Stranded the limit of his nationality if he did not know about the life of his life.
23- If you do not love, you will not be disappointed.
24. Summary of love relationships You are not happy for what you choose, and you do not choose what you love
25- Every one of us has a story of his jealousy and of his hour, and he is not aware of the nature of his first appearance
26. Everything comes with a price
, Because it is necessary to be aware of the desire to abstain from erasure in the way of eras, when it is exhausted
27 - If on the day I learned to withdraw, it will remain a habit
28- Your age is not impossible because it is impossible
29 - The need for her name Forever, we are all periods in the life of some other than the misfortune and tearing
30 - every problem and eat it
31 - Your problems If you come out of the land of your heart and the story of you, you will be provided with one
32 - try to differentiate between the "cantilever" and "henna" because of the superiority of Oulanip distinctive and second Tklk torn
33 - Rank the wheel of your life every period, and donate people to the young people you wear them
34 - Shua al-Shawi, which you Fadelin, Fadel Shua and Hiroha
35 - Age in the card is not your age in mirrors is not age with a limit to love you and you are not happy and you are not old and you are jealous, your age is only Tani ..
36 - Death (Menabah), right on the age of your side, when your right
37 - Haraam before the defect, and your Lord before people
38 - Mittin or people and society.
39. Keep your dignity and Matlikh any need to be affected or abandoned by you whatever happens
40 - Blash confidence increase any limit in the possibility of the opposite in all positions
Do not overpower the heart of love, because the hearts went bankrupt and it is hard to find a heart that gives you happiness, few are the hearts that give without charge
If in a position and choose between your heart and dignity Mtvkrsh Ktir .. Choose your dignity .. I love you so hard I do not allow you to be between the two options never

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