السبت، 14 أبريل 2018

Love can not be ignited inside the heart of women, unless it is burning inside your heart.
As hatred and love of self possess reason, love and pleasure and illusion and imagination in a world of misery.
Life passes quickly. I like the station, I do not know .. I love or leave me loving Do I am a deposit or the future of my life and my beloved! -
Life passes quickly. I like the station, I do not know .. I love or leave me loving Do I am a deposit or the future of my life and my beloved! -
The train passed quickly .. passed me and I like the station, I do not know .. I deposit or receive people! -
As hatred and love of self possess reason, love and pleasure and illusion and imagination in a world of misery.
As selfishness and self-love clog the mind, love and pleasure make the imagination sharp.
Love can not be ignited inside the heart of women, unless it is burning inside your heart.
You can not ignite enthusiasm inside another heart, unless you are excited within your heart.
For a woman who loses her lover: a woman she loves, a woman who keeps her lover a woman who mastered the art of love. -
 Lose confidence or hope .. count yourself that you will be a success story .. I promise that all the forces of the universe will unite for your help; you may not feel this day or even for a long time, but the longer you wait the longer your reward

Maybe we are in this world to search for love and find it and then to lose it over and over again .. And with every love we are born again and with each love ends we collect another wound .. I am proud scars cover me.
No matter what the man spoke, he can not explain the love, but it is enough for the woman to utter a single word, so she will not be able to love.

I want everything from life to be a woman and a man, to get a lot of friends but I want unity too, to work with them, to write good books, to travel, to enjoy myself, to be selfish and generous at the same time; I want and when I do not spend, it drives me crazy.
Do not imagine people angels, your dreams are broken, and do not make your trust in people blind because you will cry one day for your naiveté.
Life is like grace: If you ask for it, you will not have it
Laughter comes out the child who is inside us all.
The best men of humility for kindness, and the asceticism of the ability, and the fair for strength.
Human power is not in the acceptance of answers, but on the contrary, in the creation of questions.
To the mountain I stepped up, and took a look, the world was under you all, I realized any loss that could befall the person if he did not climb a mountain in his life.
My body is with me, but the spirit is with you. The spirit is alienated and the body is in the homeland -
For a woman who loses her lover: a woman she loves, a woman who keeps her lover a woman who mastered the art of love. -
 Lose confidence or hope .. count yourself that you will be a success story .. I promise that all the forces of the universe will unite for your help; you may not feel this day or even for a long time, but the longer you wait the longer your reward

Maybe we are in this world to search for love and find it and then to lose it over and over again .. And with every love we are born again and with each love ends we collect another wound .. I am proud scars cover me.
Do not imagine people angels, your dreams are broken, and do not make your trust in people blind because you will cry one day for your naiveté.
Life is like grace: If you ask for it, you will not have it
Laughter comes out the child who is inside us all.
The best men of humility for kindness, and the asceticism of the ability, and the fair for strength.
Human power is not in the acceptance of answers, but on the contrary, in the creation of questions.
For the eyebrows and the eyes, the eyebrows are related to the fact that the owners are locked in themselves and do not like to interfere in their personal lives and in some cases tend to treachery, but the eyebrows diverged means that the owner does not hurt anyone, a thin person does not embarrass anyone also, in terms of communication and separation. There is another dimension of density. The thick eyebrows indicate that he is an active and ambitious person with a vision of the future and plans for him. The light eyebrows indicate that the owner tends to loneliness and has a financial or emotional vacuum and prefers isolation from others. As for the color of the eyes, of course, each color has its characteristic, we find, for example, owners of honey eyes are characterized by special attractiveness and brown eyes characterized by passion and the difficulty of reference in the decisions green eyes distinguish the owner as moody and blue eyes have no secrets hidden and clear. The shape of the eye, the circular means clarity, openness and passion, the narrow indicates the intelligence and cunning, the eyes of cats indicate the cunning and criticism for criticism and criticism of others and arrogance and arrogance, the small eyes mean introversion, and eyes that tend down and the owner suffers from severe grief.

This article is taken from the site of Nine: Phantoms: How can some people see the interior of the personality? https://www.ts3a.com/?p=34023
To the mountain I stepped up, and took a look, the world was under you all, I realized any loss that could befall the person if he did not climb a mountain in his life.
My body is with me, but the spirit is with you. The spirit is alienated and the body is in the homeland -

The English writer (Lady Cook) said: The mixing of men and men, and this is why women have been tempted to violate their felony, and as much as mixing, there are many children of adultery, and here is the great scourge of women ...

They call for principles and foundations called for by Islam before their civilization, and then seek a way out of their problems with useless confrontations, and ignore that Islam adopted a method of educational genius who apply some details today

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