الثلاثاء، 10 أبريل 2018

It is not great to hate what you love, but greatness is to love what you hate
                     We should not refer to those who love with long, sharp fingernails
                    Smart wit is to make the other two laugh with you, and the stupid lightness to make them laugh at you
                 Women are like the watch .. You adjust them first, to adjust you after that.
                     The most beautiful lover of love
                If the minimum is accepted to one of his loaned arrogance of the humble, and if it is administered by him, the humility of the arrogant
                     If my stomach moved to my mind so I can digest some of the ideas promoted by some around our heads
                     If (the principle) is (beginner), the news is to satisfy the conscience whatever the results

                     The time it takes for humans to get from the Arctic to southern medicine is much longer than it takes to get from heart to heart
                     If there is no hope and security to increase the rate of laziness and mortality
                     Look is the fastest means of communication between human feelings
                     Woe to the man if he cares combing the hair follicles without interest combing the characteristics of his feelings
                     All shoes ... pairs ... pairs ...!
                     The bride put her long tail .. Tall .. Kalsan her mother
                    The harsh man is the judge of the feelings of the other two
                    The laughs are just a transit station between the countries of sorrows and tears that we move on in the journey of life
       Those who obey the anger angered his Lord

 The young man returned from a date Grammy .. Once he knew that his sister is not at home until the Hag and established the world without sitting

Society allows a young man to love a big woman in age ... but he deplores the great woman to love a young man
You should not say everything you know but you should know everything you say
A man may fail in a coin, but we do not consider him to be afraid unless he appears to blame the jealousy
The beauty of the man in his literature and the disclosure of his tongue
I read a book about the importance of friendship between men and women ... and decided to apply its views in the annex to its work ... The result was ... its fall in the solution of error

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