الخميس، 26 أبريل 2018

It is drawn in my soul
It is all my life and my time
She is the light of her eyes calling
She and her heart Zia Rabbani
It is Ka Murad Ahlami
It is a lifelong Ka
I and my heart Nadim Mahaky
I and my brother Yohaki
I am passive, and I live with your husband, even by telephone, especially
His uncles, his servants, his uncles and his uncles
Make an intimate relationship between your mother and your husband so that the relationship becomes not just a protection
58 You must add to your life and to your home a new thing as well
The most dangerous years of marriage are the first year and the next five years
Do not read about your husband 's events in magazines
61 Do not worry about your husband for a long time while in the house
I will spend the hours of your husband 's sleep, because if a man loses his sleep, he will lose his temper
63 Help your husband in things related to his or her work if you are asked to do so
64 Ask for help if you are in school to feel important
65 Do not take a decision alone and then tell him then, but his partners in the decision
Ask him in the dress you will take out with him at any occasion
67 He chose his suit and his kerfah, which he would wear at a ceremony
68 Do not set rules for your special relationship Vahsen rule that there is no base
69 partners in some small things like the work of the arrangement of travel
70 Prefer to participate with him in the exercise practiced by
71 Always push him towards progress in his work by taking training courses
72 Do not talk too much about the success of your girlfriend's husband in his work
73 He was relieved that his injury was abomination
As if he had rammed his car or denied an incentive
74 Latkuni selfish
75 Try to become accustomed to the things that he loves
And return to the things you like
76 Do not appear before him, and you are weak before your instincts
77 When thou shalt beware of thy husband, let him not be reckoned with him;
78 If your husband is the kind of person who hides his feelings
And he will say to him so that he may be pleased
Funky and light shadow with your friends
And weight with your husband in your home
80 Ida does not talk about divorce stories
I appreciate God who spoke to some of your friends
81 Do not simplify with guests even if they are your companions
Mutilation in the presence of your husband
82 Do not hesitate on the happy days that you lived in your father's house
Never give up on your husband unless he asks you to
84 I am proud of your family, your brothers, your uncle, your aunt, and your sheep
But without extravagance
85 If you are invited to the occasion, do not accept it immediately, but tell me
He will see my husband after I know his circumstances
The man does not like women 's gossip or dowry
So he spoke to his eyes more than the language of speech
Read at least one newspaper every day and one journal
At least every week to know the conditions of the world
88 Ltabby never your husband and do not ask him anything in your moments intimate
Check your own doors, windows, water and gas
Every night before going out and before traveling
Never talk to anyone about your future plans no matter what
91 Keep your prayers
92 Do not believe that marriage is the tomb of love, the opposite is true
Love ignites after marriage
93 Try to Takhtari for your children Islamic names
Never start with your words or your relationship with your husband in front of others
Travel with your husband to any place once a month
At least at the end of the week
Together they fell in love with some things
Do not believe that marriage like boiled broth is healthy but not tasty
Conversely, marriage is nothing
Do not believe the poor rule in magazines that marriage is evil is necessary
Marriage is not worship and livelihood and life full and blessings
Do not talk about your happiness with your husband or at home with anyone
Do not believe that marital life story romantic love
No married life is a continuous work and life is a struggle for success

The beloved came, who loved him from a journey
And the sun has affected the cheek effect
I wonder how the sun is settling in moon
The sun should not be aware of the moon

Aisha is ashamed to enter without a veil on a grave by a foreign man
Fatima is ashamed to describe the dress as her body is in the hands of God
Where are the daughters of Muslims from this modesty now ?????
If God loves a slave who has made him for himself, then he cares about him and his tongue by mentioning him and making him a servant. "And I convinced you to myself" 💙
There is no one who is not useful in this world as long as he can ease the burden of life on someone else.
It was said to a man carrying his brother and climb a mountain: pregnancy heavy on you .. He said: This is not pregnancy, this is my brother.

Question Hakim: How do you know your brother?
He said: Hold my Hm, and ask me, and fill Khalali, and forgive my Zlai, and reminds me of my son.
He was told:
How do you reward him?
He said: I call upon him with the back of the unseen.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him)
Such as brotherhood in God like hand and eye, if the eye tears
The hand wiped her tears, and if the hand suffered, she cried the eye for her.

Hassan al-Basri (may Allaah have mercy on him)
(Communicate with your companions, the companion of the light bulb,
You may not realize his light unless you darken the world)
The beloved came, who loved him from a journey
And the sun has affected the cheek effect

I wonder how the sun is settling in moon
The sun should not be aware of the moon
Look around you carefully and know the demons of life and then sit with those who attract you to the light
Light shines in the presence of a beautiful and waxing way of earning a halal way
If the people of Benora seek to earn a living in a matter connected to him
The morning of the verses of my Creator and the existence of God is evidence
Make the morning to cling and seek and seek in its lights of curiosity
Nour al - Sabah on the presence of a gift to the heart gave him the slave guide

July 30th, 2010
If we ask any member of women's movements or supporters of women's freedom of opinion "Ha" in what Mutanabi said, and whether it is a praise or praise of the "T" in the answer that he insulted after insulting women, he says that although a female but her mind is not With a female mind, it remains to point out that al-Mutanabbi had said that in the context of his sadness and admiration and admiration and appreciation to the most cherished of the sister of the sword of the state, and did not find anything to praise him better than to say that her mind is not a female mind, even if we went back a little more and considered what Imam Ali, may God have mercy on him, said: "O men of men and children of children And the minds of the rajat al-hajj, "which he hates with their feminine minds. Over time, there were different views on the difference between the

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