الأربعاء، 11 أبريل 2018

History of American Terrorism

History of American Terrorism

The American people are constantly grappling with record numbers and interest in their monopoly from the strongest to the largest, from the top to the fastest, from the longest to the broad and to the endless acts of preference in describing all spheres of life.

On the scale of records on the course of history from beginning to end (if history has an end), the American imperial ascendance is a story that surpasses others. For within a century (20th century) the American empire has become the strongest, largest, And the whole width at the same time.

The American imperial march began in the 1890s immediately after the end of the civil war in America and once it was healing its wounds. When the 1990s came, the American imperial spread covered the face of the globe. Other empires, including the Russian Empire, After the Second World War, the resources ran out, the effort ran out, or the will ran out!

It can be said that the American Empire understood and absorbed its lessons from everything I met on the ground, from the stomach of books, from adventure stories, from poems to poetry,

From the ground, the United States picked up the importance of rapid deployment and concentration of power. In the experience of its establishment, the obsession of its people, where they arrived, was to fill an entire continent from the ocean to the ocean in a hurry, and then to unite the provinces of this continent with weapons, because it was the easiest and most successful, In a position to pool their energies and build a secure base for their lives in protecting the wider oceans.

From the book's stomachs, the United States was fortunate that its unity as a nation had been savagely achieved by the cost of half a million civil war, more than any human cost in any world war that coincided with the time when Darwin's theory of "species origin" (The story of evolution) fills the atmosphere, and explains to the world's most beautiful geography and science literature lesson, that "survival of the strongest," and that the winners in the conflict of life are better able to adapt and adapt and overcome obstacles and displacement of others. Although the struggle of life occupied Europe (as America did), it was the lesson of survival of the strongest living in the emerging American practice, and away in the memory of the European Europe, and then the richness of the European culture and the arts was able to tame the instincts, and put some of the mind in the head of the beast (Darwinist) who is the most valuable creature to survive!

The United States was impressed by the famous pirate Captain Morgan (whose family in later times found his treasure and used it in Morgan's fortune). The American admiration for Morgan was a reflection of the philosophy of that smart pirate, and its essence is that "the ordinary pirate The clever pirate does not change except on the other pirate ships, waiting for them to come back to their place with spoiled returnees, who are threatened with killing and fighting, and then defeats them with a number of goals:

- Get the treasures of several ships attacked by the ordinary pirate in a long and arduous journey, but the smart pirate gets it ready with one shot.

- He does not commit piracy because he looted those who preceded the looting and killed those who preceded the killing. Therefore, what he did was not a crime but a fair punishment. He was not a murderer, but a true punishment.

- The smart pirate in this manner makes himself a prestige and prestige reminiscent of the reports of the day and remember the tales of the night!

The meaning of Captain Morgan's approach is that the United States does not occupy itself by controlling individual countries, but taking the regions by the pack. The nations do not swallow a summit after a summit, but the imperial table swallows everything, including dishes, cups, utensils and bedclothes as well The culture of experience with the capture of an entire continent full of all what it carries in her stomach and on her back)!

The beginning of the American imperial dream that came out to be the "Eater of Empires" in the late nineteenth century was the beginning of the nexus: the empires of Spain and Portugal. They were weakened by the looted gold of the treasures of the tribes and peoples of Latin America, yet they were still determined to claim grandeur In the south and center of the Western hemisphere, a lady considers herself a property she considers to be the right of discovery and conquest.

The raid on the property of Spain and Portugal was a very easy task, and perhaps opened the appetite of the new empire and reaffirmed the validity of its theory in the raid on the previous empires to get everything and once and not in stages or on the scales, during which the scales change.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States was busy studying the conditions of the empires of Europe, whether worn out over the years or those cohesive hardening of their return and give themselves renewed life by all means!

This was the concern of the United States knowing that it contradicted the will of General George Washington, aware of the course of events in Europe (after the unification of Germany and the 70th war and the fall of Napoleon III and the scene of the Paris Commune, authorizing a period of social revolutions) The distribution of colonies and their sense that they had the opportunity to graduate to the high seas.

The greatest challenge facing the United States is how to remove those old empires and seize their property by applying the style of Captain Morgan, even though the experience of the fortunes of a distant sailor against empires is still alive, means the task is harder this time. Portugal is located in the American water basin, as

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