الثلاثاء، 3 أبريل 2018

Everything goes ... but good
Every girl has no ability to mean "Papa". Baba means the only "man" Hehebk "Love", which means "Allotal" is not your tales, it is the best of your "interests" on his interest without hatred or jealousy, the "Heyftkr" everywhere and ask you to love him And he is back! My age is not enough for you one second. The topic is that I have all of it in one day and yet, unfortunately, I have a sense of self-confidence and confidence in my self, which gave birth to me from the safety that my parents used to use against him. He spoke fluently and coldly sometimes, and of course, sometimes afraid of him, And I did not find any need for the sweet needs I said!
Two years after Kam was a year after his death, I did not have a single weakness, so long as I remained "fragile", I knew who was my sponsor and who was the one who supported me and who was the one who gave me confidence in myself. I am able to meet the quarter of safety I have been in, hoping to return and I redeemed my life, but unfortunately useless, waiting for the day I walk in it. Estimate the existence of your family !!!
Blash sacrificed them for any need, Blach Tkhoni confidence Aboki Alashan limit Mesh Hideki Ten Ahli Aboki selling Balmk, a day of what Htadori is the same in the man of the world, "Mesh Htlakiayeh" !!!
Remains planted in the pure souls ...
Congratulations to those who cultivate good among people ....
Purity of the heart is not stupid
But instinct
God distinguishes them from loved ones
good morning
# Information you have heard for the first time
1 - Psychologists say that students do not hate the study itself because the human nature likes to learn, but in fact they hate the many duties and getting up early and not organize the school ....
2. The scent of mint stimulates concentration so Japanese plants place aerosols
Of mint solution to increase the productivity of workers.
3 - A study proved that the good speech heard by man gives him
A higher immunity system so tell us the great prophet? Blessings and peace
That good word charity.
4 - The Prophet (peace be upon him) is the only man who said about him (Allah) you beloved Muhammad
5. A study confirmed that leaving a child to a grandfather or grandmother is much better than a nursery
This is because a lot of dialogue between the grandmother and the child enhances the language ability of the child
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