الأحد، 18 مارس 2018

Your health

Your health is a reflection of your psychological state! The disease is mostly the result of unresolved internal conflicts that then show negative effects on your body.
Happiness is not linked to poverty or wealth !! Happiness is to rejoice with the least things you have. Be simple and be happy.
When you rejoice you go to the person you love most, and when you feel sad you go to the person who loves you, and the most wonderful thing is to be the same person in both cases.
One of the biggest mistakes: you pass the moments of joy passing through !! Sadness lives with all your feelings
One of the sages said: Do not exaggerate in courtesy so as not to fall into the well of hypocrisy and do not exaggerate in frankness so as not to fall in the solution of abuse.
Whoever forgives you for your mistakes and forgives you is not a fool! He loves you sincerely and does not want to lose you but make sure that when you change you will not return as never before!
The difference between amnesty and forgiveness Pardon forgiveness: Cover and because the amnesty reported to ask of the honorable, "Oh, you are a pardon Karim loves pardon Vaf us
If you fall in a crisis .. remember how much crisis passed you and Najak God of them .. Then you know that you are in the first. He will heal you in the other.
It is very bad to bear worries that are not suitable for your age at the time you are supposed to be in the most beautiful days of your life.
If you want to stay happy, let what happened yesterday and do not take it with you tomorrow.
The secret of being a boring person is that you say everything.
A person with one word may change his psyche throughout the day, or become distressed throughout the day, so think and price your words before you say to anyone.
People erase your past beautiful compared to another bad attitude from you, God Almighty erase your bad past in return for repentance from you.

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