الخميس، 29 مارس 2018

(Woman patient)

(Woman patient) 

Man does not forget a patient woman and bore 
Share his events and pressures, 
but was the lifeline and warm embrace 
which resorted to in crisis 
A woman raises his concerns 
and learn well when you should be present 
or what should you say With tenderness and love and patience 
and deal with him wisely. 
This woman can not forget the man no matter what.

(Laughing woman and share life with him) 

man loves to share the taste of life fun with his wife, 
and feel good when you are living with him 
in many different moments, 
even in the smallest detail and the smallest things. 
This woman is hard to forget the man 
she will make every moment between them 
beautiful memory forever remain.

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