الجمعة، 30 مارس 2018

To contemplate the bliss of Paradise and the torment of the fire and remember the death: 
The paradise of the land of joys, and the solitude of the sorrows, and the pitfalls of the believers and the soul are forced not to sacrifice, work and steadfastness only in return for the humiliation of difficulties, and humiliate them in the way of obstacles and hardships. He knows that if he does not prove, he will have a paradise to show the heavens and the earth, and then the soul needs what he brings up from the earth and attracts it to the upper world. The Prophet e used the mention of Paradise in the installation of his companions, in the modern Hassan true Messenger of God e Bayer and Ammar and Ammar and they are authorized in God Almighty said to them: (Sabra Al-Yasser Sabra Al-Yasser, your appointment Paradise) Narrated by al-Hakim 3/383, Hasan al-Saheeh, see his graduation in the jurisprudence of biography al-Albani, p. 103. And so he said to the Ansar: 'You will throw after me an impact, and they will wait until you have given me the basin.' Agreed upon. 
As well as from the contemplation of the situation of the two teams in the tomb, the ark, the account, the balance, the cross, and all the houses of the Hereafter. 
Remember that death protects the Muslim from degradation, and stops at the limits of God does not exceed. Because if he knows that death is less than the trap of his heel, and that his hour may be moments away, how can he ask himself to go down, or keep up the deviation? For this reason he said: 'More than mentioning the destruction of pleasure.' Narrated by al-Tirmidhi 2/50 3/145. The stability of the hearts is caused by sedition. If the heart is exposed to darkness and darkness, only the visionaries who have faith in their hearts will be proven. . 
It is the types of sedition:

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