الخميس، 29 مارس 2018

The sign of the love of God is for you to go to the one who asks

If love, affection and mercy is one of the reasons for satisfying the love of haraam and you are the reason for the language of this and God is a sign of God's wrath on you and the satiation is not a place to beat the steps of the devil, the queen of God you because you are from the Guinness Check yourself repentance door open Mahal
The sign of the love of God is for you to go to the one who asks for charity and to be the cause of the doors of sustenance for worship. If you were given generously the same and do not differentiate with you, the money is one of the signs of love, and if you were given with treachery and pain in giving the money, and you are cursed, that is a sign of lack of love. And thank God for what you have been blessed to give it is one of the signs of love, which is dedicated to God you are to be a part of the name of the noble and merciful 

If you made a reason to spread corruption and repel the path you need to return and repent, it marks the wrath of God on you

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