الخميس، 1 مارس 2018

 No value for beauty without thought .. values ​​... and ethics.

Do not say because of my prayer for the dawn, my faith, or my remembrance. And do not know that God accepted it from you .. but say: God saved me with mercy and your weight

"If your eye falls on the owner of a sin, do not fall into yourself pride and you are better than him!
 He is fascinated, and with the mercy of God you have survived, so pray to God for guidance and for your self to be steadfast

I like the self, which is the weapon of the mind, not the tongue, and its character in life is silence and not a lot of speech.
 Do not lie in order to attract people to admire you .. And do not be afraid of honesty even if he will leave you people.!

 To be quiet about saying advice is better than saying it provocatively ... because provoking others may increase their insistence on making mistakes.
The evening breeze

 No value for beauty without thought .. values ​​... and ethics.

Good evening

      There will be many events in your life that you may understand the wisdom of God from them and you may not understand but trust in the wise management of things of your life.

       Good evening
﷽ (Moses said to his people seek Allah and patience)

The use of patience to seek help from God is more beneficial in our worries and troubles than our glorification and patience

          good morning

            Make people look like you're browsing a book: Ignoring the absurd, the bad tearing, and stopping at the most beautiful

The most beautiful thing that man has in the hearts of others is compassion, humility and good word
   Make God your good spirit inhabit the hearts and your faces Basma rest for her eyes, and your souls reassuring souls, and make good for your clothing and forgiveness Storkm, happiness and your way, and your companion in the world and the Hereafter
Love is a blessing from God
And communicate with the kin and friends Anas
And trust in the conditions of others mercy
We may shorten a bit
Time may distract us
But the pulse of the heart remains uninsured.

O God, grant us the good of love, the sweetness of the brothers, and the purity of the soul, and the good conclusion and good work, Lord

           good morning
How much intensity in the night narrowed
            And the morning came in the finest part of it
How can he sleep in the deserts of a slave?
             In his soul when God needs.
O Allah, in this morning we ask you the truthfulness of trusting you and good reliance on you and the power of certainty in you, O God, make fun of our obedience to you, and fill our hearts with love

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