الخميس، 29 مارس 2018

_ I start others with peace and greeting, in peace

! Twenty Skills make you loved one among the people ! Twenty Skills make you loved one among the
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

Twenty Skills make you loved one among the people

1_ I start others with peace and greeting, in peace create and reassure the other side ..

2_ Smile, smile is a magical effect in which the appeal of hearts.

3_ Show interest and appreciation to the other party and people as you like to treat you ..

4_For the people, joys and sorrows, share them in the souls.

5_ Eliminate the needs of others reach their hearts, souls tend to those who meet their needs.

6_ You forgive forgiveness and tolerance of tolerance.

7_ In the absence of the absent and the question about it to ensure the win of friendship and attract hearts.

8_ Not to give up the gift even if its price is lower, and its value is more than material.

9_ showing love and said the words of friendliness captures the hearts.

10_ Tfven in providing advice and not make it a scandal.

11_ The others happened in the area of ​​interest, the individual tends to the interlocutor in the orbit of interest ..

12_ be positive and optimistic and send the human to those around you ..

13_ Praise others if they do good praise the impact in the soul but to exaggerate.

14_ Ntq your words, your position is high, the word good is the best way to win hearts ..

15_ Humility, people are alienated from those who seek refuge in them.

16_ Avoiding catching the flaws of others and busy fixing your flaws.

17_ Learn the art of listening people love those who listen to them ..

18_ Expand your circle of acquaintances and earn a friend every day.

19_ Broad to diversify your interests and interests widen your circle of acquaintances and friendships.

20_ If you made a known to someone do not wait for him in return.

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