الثلاثاء، 27 مارس 2018


Conscience does not prevent you from doing sin, but it prevents you from enjoying it. A quiet conscience is the way to a calm person. Logic leads us to mistakes but conscience never does. Who sacrifices his conscience for his dreams as someone who burns a beautiful image for the sake of ashes. If a man wanted to be brave, then obey his conscience. Conscience is the friend who warns us before we judge. Conscience is the best friend of man. The right man is the one who refuses to listen to any voice other than the voice of his conscience. My sovereignty ends where my conscience begins. True happiness is in the conscience Do not do anything against your conscience if asked by the government. Fair conscience is not afraid to knock the door at night from one of the guilty conscience plays makes people cowards. The conscience of a non-God is like a court without a judge. Conscience is the only mother who will forever visit you to the truth of the spring of the heart, the zakat of creation, the fruit of virility, and the ray of conscience. There is no difference between betrayal of conscience and betrayal of reality except implementation. As a result of happiness in this world: a pure conscience and a calm soul and a decent heart and work with your hands. He who lost the conscience did not find insulting. No power as the power of conscience nor glory as the glory of intelligence. You can wash your dress do not wash your conscience. There are those who fear and there are those who do not fear. Living conscience soft pillow. Conscience is the light of intelligence to distinguish the good from evil. Conscience is the voice of truth. One may feel a sense of conscience and enjoy his full health. No happiness equals the comfort of conscience. Do not fear the judgment of others, but fear the judgment of conscience. The wicked may escape the punishment of the law, but he can not escape the punishment of conscience. Within each of us a fair court whose judgments remain vigilant in our hearts is conscience. Doubt in God means questioning one's conscience, and this leads to doubt about everything. Always strive to maintain that divine hair that illuminates the hearts and is the conscience. Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience; that is the perfect life. Hunger is unscrupulous. The government by nature has no conscience, and sometimes has a policy. Conscience of one's compass. The conscience is a wound that does not kill and does not heal. The beginning of the prick of conscience begins for a new life. All that tyranny requires to exist is the survival of the living conscience. The court of conscience rarely meets in the absence of a judge. Nothing is more miserable than guilty conscience. Nothing in the whole world is more dangerous than ignorance, truth, stupidity, and conscience. Democracy, then, is not the basis of the process of handing over powers between two parties, between a king and a people, for example. It is the formation of feelings and emotions, and self and social standards that constitute the foundations of democracy in the conscience of the people before any constitution is provided for them. . Good friends, good books and sleeping conscience is the secret of happiness. The wounds of conscience never heal. Conscience is worth a thousand witnesses. Conscience guilty, living enemy. Conscientious conscience is protected by the rights of the rights of God and people, and guarded by acts of negligence and neglect. Conscience is a comforting pillow for comfort. The Islamic approach alone is the most correct way to revive facts and give them movement in the world of conscience and the world of behavior. The only theoretical recognition of these facts without the support of worship, and other than its way does not recognize these facts, nor driven by a movement in the life of the individual or in the life of the group. Conscience never prevents committing sin, but it prevents you from enjoying it. Conscience without religion, like the court without a judge. And I like the derivative of the likeness of a striped .. Moshi villages Taoist black mouth .. The hidden secret revealed its effects to us .. And expresses the conscience of the silent .. True leads to say about him .. Addressing the eye without hearing, not speak .. If swallowed by the palm emptied .. From the thought of the overflow of the hypocritical winner. We accept life as an illusion .. All aspiring to live to tomorrow .. And the humiliation of the infidel and their son .. And Nnilm of us a large destination .. These souls weak educated on. . Conscience and enslaved bond. Pen nose of conscience if trembling announced his secrets and the effects of his. He forgot the good when he was preoccupied with evil. He lost his conscience in his disobedience. Athennn to pour in your visit .. When you lusts of hearing and sight .. Does not show the longing that long sitting .. Conscience conscience but punk. The conscience of the righteous truth of the tongues. Conscience is the faint voice that sometimes leads to your bed. The eye shows you what is in the same owner .. Of the Shanah or Wad if they .. The abhorrent has an eye reveal .. You can not in the heart Ktmana .. And the eye of the friendly is not going to come .. See her a human and a holocaust .. The eye speaks and mouths Silent .. even see the conscience of the heart Tbina. The health of the marin is one of the best munitions. I do not ask people what is in their conscience .. What is in my thirst for them of that enough. And have a secret in the conscience of the .. forgotten the conscience in the fold. * Conscience does not prevent you from doing sin, but it prevents you from enjoying it. Comet conscience makes people cowards. The conscience of a non-God is like a court without a judge. The wounds of conscience never heal. As a result of happiness in this world: a pure conscience and a quiet breath and honest heart. Do not fear the judgment of others, but rather the judgment of conscience. Within each of us is a fair court whose judgments remain vigilant in our hearts. The wounds of conscience never heal. Democracy is not at its core the process of handing over powers between parties. Conscience is the faint voice that sometimes leads to your bed. That in our lives things if satisfied with the conscience of ministers and ministers of ministers. What is easier to deceive when you prepare for self! And what is easier when the hand is reassuring. If it is true that poets are the conscience of the nation, what is the fate of the nation that forgets the poetry. The Lord of the glorious martyr of his influence and influence in the conscience of the peoples what is not for the. We can get out of conscience as fish can go out on the edge. Conscience is the voice that tells you your cheek for good to be the limit of your sword. The writer is the conscience of the people. . It must be a prick of conscience. If you do not light up the light of conscience, you will not be able to walk better. The world is no longer waiting for salvation at the hands of science, but in resurrecting the human conscience. Your day and your dream have passed by a hidden conscience. I do not know what appreciated

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