الثلاثاء، 20 فبراير 2018

- You do not know how strong you are, until you find

1 - You do not know how strong you are, until you find yourself in a position where you only have to be strong.
2 - Sometimes we have some unpleasant events, but in fact gives way to good events to come.

3 - You can not change what you refuse to face.

4 - No one is perfect, no one deserves to be perfect. Life does not go easy on anyone. You do not know what others are suffering. Each one of us has his own problems and worries, so do not underestimate yourself or anyone else. Each of us is fighting his own war.

5. Crying does not always mean that you are weak. When you were born, crying was the sign of life, strength and a promising future.
Hard times - the image from the sxc site
Hard times are the best time to plant a seed of hope

6 - No matter how many mistakes you have made, no matter how slow you progress, you are ahead of those who are not trying to do anything.

7 - Life is not waiting for the storm to pass. Life is to learn how to dance in the rain. (Ie you enjoy what you have and are available under your hands)

8 - painful memories wasted for happiness. Let her and your back and her.

9 - To be a reason to smile someone can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but at least his world is. Start on a small scale. start now.

10 - Sometimes you have to move away until you see the vision and image.
11 - Do not let success affect your mind, do not let failure reach your heart.

12 - You must fight in difficult days and times, until you deserve the best days of your life.

13 - Ten percent of life is what happens to you, and 90% of life is how you interact with these top ten.

14 - You can learn great lessons from your mistakes, when you are not busy denying your mistakes.

15 - Do not worry about others thinking of you, as it is worthless. What really matters is what you think you are.
16 - When you stop chasing the wrong things in your life, you are giving the opportunity to the right things to catch up with you and enter your life.

17 - When the other treats you badly, be as you are and do not change. Do not let the bitterness of the other change what you are.

18 - You have to accept the fact that some things will not be for you, and you have to learn to appreciate the unique things that you own.

19 - It is easy in some situations and difficult times to think that you are the only person suffering and measured and get little and can not rest. This feeling is false. If you resist longer, you'll find someone who can help you and make you better. We all need some help from time to time, and we need those who help us to pay attention to the beauty of our lives, and remind us that the situation does not last. This helper is now in your world.

20 - Do not be afraid to get out of the safety zone and get used to, some of the best life experiences and opportunities will come after you dare to lose.
21. Sometimes we inadvertently allow small problems to grow and dominate our lives. Do not let the little things you spoil your day. Such anxieties will always remain in our lives, and the secret is to give them little attention.

22 - Surrender does not always mean that you are weak, in some situations will show your strength and intelligence, when you leave what does not benefit you to what benefits you.

23 - Ask yourself, do your current social relationships go up or down? Being surrounded by positive people who love people is half way to live a life of happiness and success.

24 - Spend more time with those who make you smile, and reduce the time you spend with those who feel you have to dazzle them.

25 - A little in life is equivalent to the importance of useful conversation, useful reading, comfortable walking, warm embrace, joyful smile and good vinegar.
26. Do not worry too much about the past, and do not bear tomorrow. Now is your life, live it.

27 - No matter how careful your selection of words, you will always find those who misinterpret what you mean. So say what you should say.

28. To be creative, you must lose your fear of making mistakes.

29. Sometimes, not getting what you ask for is a gift from heaven that you know later.

30 - Being great does not mean controlling others; it means controlling your abilities.
31 - If you are passionate about a dream, strive to make it become a reality, no matter how others advise you, then the dream becomes a reality.

32. If you continue to do the same thing as you do, you will get the same results as you.

33. Forgiveness and forgiveness are the primary keys to happiness.

34 - The most revenge for you is the feeling of happiness, nothing is harder for your enemies to see you smiling.

35 - Be optimistic when negative surrounds you, smile when you attract others, this is the easiest way to make a difference.
36. If someone wants to be part of your life, they will make a clear effort to do so. Do not bother to make an effort to reserve space in your heart for people who make no effort to stay there.

37 - Do not be sad about a relationship that did not work, it actually helps you find the best partner for you, and when you do, you will be able to appreciate because of what it is and what it does.

38. What stands before us and behind us is a very small thing when we compare it to what is inside us.

39 - The real world does not reward the lovers of perfection, but reward those who do and do things, and to accomplish and implement what is required of you, the only way is to be incomplete incomplete 99% of the time.

40 - Do not lie, even if it is a white lie, when you move away from the truth, you are actually moving away from your soul. Be truthful and tell the truth. This self-knowledge drives you to make better decisions and to be a strong person. Lying will not help you to skip difficult times but honesty is what you do.
41 - feelings and feelings, good and others, come and go.

42 - Do not worry about what was likely to become in the past, your potential abilities are all you own.

43 - We are not alone! No matter how awkward or embarrassing the situation is now, others are going through the same situation and feeling the same emotions. When you hear your mind tell you I stand alone in this position, then

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