السبت، 3 فبراير 2018

True friendship

True friendship between people does not require daily talks or permanent contacts in order to continue that sincere friends continue with each other, let alone the conditions of their communication and does not end the relationship between them even if the length of time in many times

85% of people laugh a fake laugh when they do not understand what others have said at that moment, even when a person smiles and starts moving his head from top to bottom on the basis of consent without leaving a comment on your talk, he often did not care what I said.

The battle of Yarmouk is a battle that took place after the death of the Prophet four years when the army of the Byzantines allied with five armies from Europe and Russia to form the most powerful army in the world when the goal was to subject the Muslims to the rule of Heraclius But despite the enormous military superiority of this army Muslims were able to win and enter the land of Syria for the first time

Deep sleep for sufficient hours strengthens memory and improves human cognitive abilities as it may increase creative creativity in life in general.

Sleep is also the best way to increase outer beauty due to the natural changes that make up facial features throughout the sleep period

Beautiful women and ptans are often women who do not talk about beauty or not pay attention while the opposite is true.

According to Darstin prepared at a US university, the constant awakening of women from their beauty is only a measure of the extent of ugliness in reality

If you are worried and nervous, take a cup of warm chamomile tea, which helps calm the nerves and relax and eliminate anxiety and depression.

⁧ Your health

At least 80% of people do not pay much attention to the beautiful things in their lives and care about them until after their demise.

These beautiful things may include valuable objects or close people so that their true value is only noticed when they are lost forever

A study found that children who are described as stubborn and young become more materialized when they reach middle age.

If you feel tired, try the following foods, increase the energy level and give your body a vital:

Sweet potato

The eggs






Diseases associated with sloth and frequent sitting:


Heart disease


Chronic fatigue

Fat accumulation

Stress and stress


Back pain

Water is considered the secret treatment of head headache by the availability of a significant amount of magnesium and mineral salts, also water doctors consider it the ideal weapon to rid the body of harmful toxins and cancer and it is recommended to drink at least 7 glasses of water a day.

After the Second World War, the state of Moldova was divided and civil war broke out between Eastern Moldova and the rest of the country. Strangely enough, the officers on both sides were watching together, drinking alcohol, exchanging jokes and jokes. In the day fighting against each other,

The saliva of most complex animals in addition to humans possess antiseptic (antimicrobial) natural in its composition. So many organisms instinctively lick their wounds when they get infected.

Strawberry contains more vitamin C than oranges.

There is no divorce in the Philippines, but if a couple wants separation, the marriage contract is annulled, so it becomes legal as if the couple did not marry from the beginning. But the government gives an exception to Muslims, since divorce is part of religion.

When you are very sad you think that everyone around you is happy people, which increases your grief.

A study on the effect of drinks says: If you drink moderate amounts of coffee, tea or even cola, it moisturizes the skin just as if you drink water.

Many of them remain harmful to water

Tea helps to reduce tension and calm the nerves,

And reduces the proportion of hormones

Causing stress in the body as well as lowering high blood pressure.

Morning Sports

Works on

Organization of the biological clock of the body

Stimulate the secretion of endorphins that improve mood and relieve stress and tension

Your health

Study: Parental hug for their children increases the intelligence of young people and develops their minds and makes their self-confidence increase with time as parents continue to hug and hug their children.

A study of the University of Plymouth says: A friend who treats you cruelly may be the most loved person because he does not benefit you and wants his cruel treatment to benefit you in the long term.

A study was carried out to find out why "some people get colds and colds more than others"

The study found that depressed and depressed people are more susceptible to influenza because of the vulnerability of their immunity.

A study found that men who take a lot of selves themselves and publish them suffer from mental impairment in their personality traits.

They warned of the current bad

Publishing songs

Dissemination of weak and false conversations

Posting pornographic images

Spreading prohibited and forbidden videos

Teaching others to open blocked sites

Spread suspicions and deviant ideas

 If we contemplate civilizations and deviant approaches to humanity, we find them lost between ideas and heritage filled with impotence of the past conflict, we must be humanistic about the names and religious and non-religious affiliations in order to improve our control.

 Deviant style is very cheap

And the sins of the neighbor does not put them only from lost taste

Rise up with your images there, your angels write

The display image is a trajectory that will represent the results

The fingers are the same as the Resurrection

Fear a day when you return to God

The last picture you put

Let the memory of Hassan and his beautiful image remain for you to be tortured because of him


She is the true face of you

She is the one who shows your personality from the depths of darkness

The best is given, and do not bring evil to yourself

↩ All of those who put pictures of the face of the dead, God's will in all the people see him! ✋

And God and God and that the picture does not win

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