The owner of the ocean: (called Duaa and call) any tilt and carrots. From the above, we understand that the close link between the meaning of the verb called in the language and its meaning, what is called the Koran, saying: (Call to the way of your Lord) indicates the tilt and carrots. (Da'i) or (preacher) and called an active name of the act called calling the advocate is to build the name of the actor also with T to the end to indicate the exaggeration and the multiplication and if we want to combine we said (advocates) and the combination of peace (Calling) and (calling) .- preferred to pray to God and punished him silence: First: q The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Allah, His angels, and the people of Allah" (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The heavens and the earth until the ant in its hole and whales in the sea to pray to the teachers of good people) and pray from God mercy and from angels and humans to seek forgiveness. 4 - In an interview with Ali may Allah be pleased with him (and God because God guides you one man is better for you than the red blessings - (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever prays for guidance, he has a reward like the wages of those who follow him. 6 - On the authority of Abdullah bin Masood said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him (the one who behind you days of Saber, like the handle on the embers to the worker where the reward of fifty, O Messenger of God fifty of them or fifty of us said fifty of you) Narrated by Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah and Tirmidhi. In the novel (Almstmsk reward fifty martyrs said Omar O Messenger of God from us or them said: (of you). 7. Invitation to the function of the apostles and their followers. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made this call, and it is the commandment of creation in all that Allaah has commanded him and forbidding them from all that Allaah forbade him to do with all knowledge and forbidding all evil. . Indeed, the call to God is the function of the messengers of Allah and for all of them God sent them to the people, all of them without exception called their people and those sent to them to believe in God and the adoption of the worship of God, as prescribed by them, the Almighty said on Noah: (We have sent Noah to his people He said: "O my people, worship Allah, whatever you have of any other god." So all the messengers of Allah called upon Allah to worship Him alone and to disown Him from worshiping others. He said: "We have sent in every nation a messenger to serve Allah and avoid the tyrant. To carry his call and communicate it to the people 8. Charity: The Almighty said: (K. We are the best nation that was directed to the people to enjoin the good and forbid evil. This verse mentioned two issues: the first is the charity of this nation, and the second is that it has received this charity for its sake. 9 - One of the characteristics of the believers is the call to God other than the hypocrites who turn away from the path of Allah, And the hypocrites and the hypocrites, some of whom are parents of some, are ordering evil and forbidding what is known. Al-Qurtubi said in the interpretation of this verse: "Allaah has enjoined what is good and forbidding evil a difference between believers and hypocrites. If the Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said about the scholars in his book (the response to heretics and jihadi), the following: "Praise be to God who made in every time a time of the Apostles The remnants of the scholars call on those who went astray to the guidance and see those who are harming the life of the dead book of God and see the light of God blindness How many dead of Satan revived and how many lost lost have guided him, what is the best impact on people and the ugliest impact of people on them " The article of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in the scholars who live in an Islamic society Imam of the preachers who want to return Islam to the land after the absence of Islam on the witnesses and the existence of Ibn al-Qayyim said, "Vmqam call to God the best sanctuaries patience" Key to the House of Happiness 1/153 Ibn al-Jawzi Vashtl in terms of slaves of God to God, the cases of the prophets peace be upon them The second is the application of the law of collective punishment in the universal year of God, which is historical insofar as it differs in its interpretation and analysis, which is the phenomenon of social unrest, decline and destruction. Civilization after the met The blood of science, age, art and the continued gradual decline even perhaps full destruction sudden sudden force non-standard. The infidels and ascetic revolve in a vicious circle of explanations for this phenomenon all illusions The Muslim has a single chapter in the interpretation of this phenomenon derives from many verses of the Koran and the Prophet Al-Faruq Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) summarized it in one sentence when he was asked: "Do the villages come to ruin and they are full?" He said: "If it is over, then it will be rewarded for its righteous ones." This is the reason and the du'aa '. The highness of the ungodly is the cause of disorder and destruction. The fugitive is superior to the likes of things, and every fugitive can not be a prisoner of his lusts, and his heart is imprinted and he lives in oblivion of the benefits of his people, and then his interests are taken away in injustice and slandering and exhausting, thus wasting many energies and hiding competencies. It deals with the affairs of the nation, but every selfish ignorant, which afflicts the social turmoil and then the economic, civil and scientific devastation. The Almighty God is very jealous of his religion and the symptoms of the slaves. He humiliates the nation when the infidel rises and likes to initiate a group of his righteous slaves to repair the situation and fight the unbelievers. Moore returns to normal and urbanization, the initiated
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