الجمعة، 9 فبراير 2018

Pillars of Islam

Pillars of Islam

The pillars of Islam are the foundations upon which it is built, namely five pillars:
1 - The testimony that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah 2 - the establishment of prayer
3 - Giving Zakat 4 - Fasting Ramadan 5 - pilgrimage to the House of God
The meanings of the pillars of Islam
1 - The testimony that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God: the meaning of this certificate is the belief expressed in the tongue that God is the only idol and no partner, and that Muhammad is the Messenger reported about God.
And these two certificates have become one pillar with a multiplicity of acclaimed because these certificates are the foundation of the health of the business; accept Islam, and do not work except by devotion to God, and follow-up to the Prophet - peace be upon him -.
This means that only God is worshiped, and he is not worshiped except in accordance with what is prescribed by His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Faithfully, there is a testimony that there is no God but Allah, and the follow-up testifies that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
The meaning of the two testimonies can be explained by the fact that the meaning of no god but Allah is that man should pronounce it in the belief that God is the true God alone. It is not enough to utter it. Rather, it is necessary to accept acceptance, , And love.
And the meaning of the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah: obeyed with what he ordered, and his ratification of what he said, and avoid what he forbade and denied, and that God does not worship only what he prescribed.
This has two great fruits, including: the liberation of the heart and soul from slavery to the Creator, and follow the non-messengers.
2 - The establishment of prayer: a worship of God by prayer on the face of righteousness and integrity in time and bodies.
And the prayers imposed in Islam five in the day and night, namely the dawn prayer, the prayer of noon, and the prayer of the era 'and the prayer of Morocco, and the supper.
And the fruits of prayer that is a reason for the chest, the cow, the strength of the mind, and the activity, and the expulsion of laziness, and the abandonment of obscene and evil, and the link between Muslims.
3 - Giving Zakat: which is worshiping God by making the required amount of Zakat funds to those who deserve it.
So that the Muslim comes out a small amount of his money, and pays him to the needy of the poor, the poor, and so on.
The benefits of zakat are: cleansing the soul of immorality, increasing money, developing it, and filling the need of Muslims, and the prevalence of love between them, and get rid of the abundance and tyranny, and the safety of envy, and the attainment of modesty and compassion,
4 - Fasting Ramadaan: It is worshiping Allaah by keeping away from breaking fast during Ramadaan.
And that the Muslim to eat, drink, and intercourse, and other things from the dawn of dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan; worship of God - the Almighty -.
And the fruits of fasting: recommending the soul, and refining the soul, and lift it from the Dania, and Tmuha to leave the pets for the benefit of God, and accustom to patience and hardship.
And its fruits - also - the development of sincerity and control of God, and caring for the secretariat, and the sense of others, and the expulsion of individual, and access to public health of the body.
5 - Pilgrimage of the House: It is worshiping God with the intention of the Sacred House to perform the rituals of Hajj even once in a lifetime for those who managed to do so.
And the fruits of Hajj remember the Hereafter, and tame the self to make financial and physical effort;
And the fruits of the acquisition of acquaintance, and dialogue between Muslims.
These are the pillars of Islam, and these fruits as a whole, otherwise the details of their fruits are not counted.
These pillars make the nation a pure Islamic nation, pure, condemning the religion of truth, and treat the creation of justice and honesty, because the other laws of Islam validly valid these foundations, and the nation validly the order of religion, and miss the good conditions as much as the death of the good things of religion.
Foundations of Islamic faith

The Islamic religion is a doctrine and a law. It has already been referred to some of its laws, and the Hadith has passed through its pillars which are the basis of its laws.
As for the Islamic faith, it includes faith in all that came from God, and from the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - news, peremptory judgments, and the occult, and so on.
The fundamentals of faith are the six pillars of faith:
1 - Belief in God 2 - Faith in the angels
3 - Faith in books 4 - faith in the messengers
5 - Belief in the Last Day 6. Belief in the amount of good and evil
Here are some details about these pillars:
First: Belief in God: Belief in God - the Almighty - the origin of assets, and the most important tasks, and the science of science.
Belief in God is the firm endorsement of the existence of God, and that He is the Lord of all things and His kingdom, and that He is the Creator alone, the master of the whole universe, and that He is the one who deserves worship alone and has no partner, and who is perfected with qualities of perfection and majesty.
And this faith is stable in the instinct of every human being; each one of the human beings is devised to believe in his Creator without any thought or education, and does not depart from the dictates of this instinct only to the heart of what is distracted from it.
He said - the Almighty -: {The instinct of God, which mushroom people on them}.
And the meaning of the nature of God: Islam.
If a human being, even a kaafir and an atheist, is caught in a state of danger or danger, then the fantasies and illusions fly from his mind, and God will not leave him. He will resort to his Lord to release him. His distress.
If a person is born on instinct, he is born to be bound to the love of his Creator, and to his recognition of his existence and his slavery. If he is free and his mushroom is no longer for that, then he is born in a way that is appropriate to his body of food and drink. To God, and acknowledge it.
This is why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Every child is born on instinct. His parents are Jews, or they support him, or worship him."
That is, the child is born on the instinct of Islam, and therefore did not say or concede;

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