الجمعة، 23 فبراير 2018

. The more one's culture the more miserable

1 - to light a small candle is better for you to spend your life curse the darkness

2 - Do not grieve you failed as long as you try to stand on your feet again

3. The more one's culture the more miserable

4. Ask the impossible: Where do you live? He answered in the dreams of impotent

5 - A house without a book is a house without a soul

6. It is not the strong who always win the war, but the weak who always lose peace
7 - titles are only a decoration for the fools and great men do not need to name them
8- He who loves the tree loves its branches
9 - We do not get peace by war, but by understanding
10 - If justice disappears from the ground is no longer the existence of human value
11. It is not happiness to always do what you want but to want what you do
12. The worst thing for a human being to be without work or love
13 - shyness beauty in women and virtue in men
14 - Your friend who tells you your mistakes, not those who beautify them to earn your satisfaction
15. Friendship is a well that gets deeper as you take it
16 - smile a good word without letters
17 - Do not think about the missing so as not to lose the existing
18 - Who is convinced of the world by the easy Han?
19- The good word is a passover to all hearts
20 - If vanity increases ... the lack of pleasure
21. Conscious conscience is the best cushion for comfort
22 - of the farmer is known to harvest thanks
23 - The beautiful orchard is not without snakes
24-year-old is the only thing that the greater the shortage
25 - Hearts vessels and lips locks and tongues keys, so that every man keep secret secret
26 - Experience .. is the comb that gives you life .. When you have lost your hair
27 - money good server .. But he is a corrupt master
28 - The greatness of your mind creates you the scourge .. And the greatness of your heart create friends
29 minutes pain hour .. and the hour of pleasure minutes
30 - No need to fear the sound of bullets .. The bullet that kills you will not hear her voice.
31. Satan can be an angel. . The dwarf is a giant. . And the bat is an eagle
Nora's darkness. . But in front of only fools and dupes .
32. The woman stops her husband's reprimand to answer the phone.
33 - Poor husband loved her long hair and found her tongue longer.
34. If you want to understand the reality of women, look at them when you close your eyes.
35 - If you have two loaves, each one and buy the other flowers.
36 - He who is in error is a man and he who insists on him is a demon.
The strength of the chain is strongly measured by its weakest rings.
People can live without air for a few minutes without water for two weeks and no
Food about two months without the ideas of countless years.
39. We spend the first half of our lives searching for money, success, fame and maturity
The second half is in search of doctors.
40 - Whoever bought what he did not need to sell what he needs.
41. When people praise someone, few believe it and when they do, everyone believes.
42 - sleep deep who has no fear of losing?
43. Marriage comes without warning and a point of black ink falls on human clothing.
44 - There is no man failed but there is a man who started from the bottom and stayed in it.
45. Money is often lost ... in search of money.
46. ​​If people refrain from talking about themselves and treating others badly, the great majority of people will be dumbfounded.
47 - The child is living in a small life without learning the life will play great.
48 - Our wishes are as young children, the more lenient with us the more requests from us?
49 - Choose your words before you speak and give the choice enough time to mature speech words
Kalosmar need for sufficient time so grow up.
50 - Be careful of the dignity if you insulted and the lame if honored and wise if embarrassed and foolish if mercy.
51 - It is easy to respect you people .. But it is difficult to respect yourself.
52. He is happy to wash his face from the worries and his head from the concerns and his body from the aches.
53. Each authorized long mustache and longer beard to hide the smile of gloating
54- If you reach the summit, turn your gaze to the foot to see who helped you climb to it
And look at the heavens, that God may set your feet upon it.
55- Whoever lives two faces has no face.
56. If you share your enemy, advise him, because he has come out of consultation
Your counter to your finances.
If you are rich, eat your food whenever you want. If you are poor, eat your food
When you can.
When a man tells you that he loves you like his brother, remember Cain and Abel.
59. Speak angrily. You will say the greatest thing you have ever regretted.
60 - do not argue eloquently nor seldom .. Vlbjg overcome you and forgiveness hurt you.
61 - good behavior cover many of the bad deeds and bad behavior covers a lot of
62. Marriage is given and given as it is given ..
63. The trivial man deprives you of isolation without providing you with an enjoyable session.
64 - a little science with work done .. more useful than many science with a lack of work ..
65. Some women believe that marriage is the only chance to avenge the man.
66 - If a dog fights with a booty, it shall be of the share of the wolf that comes upon
Their cries.
67. In marriage there are only two beautiful days, the day of entering the cage and a day
Get out of it.
68- Man does not eat his flesh .. nor his skin is wearing .. What is the sweetness of the tongue ..
69. Health is what makes you feel that the day you live. He's better
Time of year
70 - If you fear loneliness do not marry.
71- The phone bill is proof that silence is much more than speech.
72 - The poor man is not the king of little. But the poor of asking a lot
73 - First you suffer for honesty .. To be rewarded for lying.
74. Life would have seemed wonderful if we were born at the age of 80
We are approaching the twelve years
75. It is not generous to give me what I need more than you, but generosity in me
Give me what you need me the most.
76 - If you give a poor fish you have paid his hunger for only one day .. If
I taught him how to fish he had paid his hunger all his life
77- A happy dog ​​shakes its hypocritical tail and shakes its tongue.
78. If a man decides to marry, this may be the last decision he is allowed to take.
79 - Successful man is the one who closes his mouth before closing

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