الجمعة، 9 فبراير 2018

Life has taught me...

Life has taught me...
v chasing two birds lose them together

v Whoever fled from work fled from rest

Do not argue with the fool, people may make mistakes in distinguishing between you

v of the fastest in the answer, I made a mistake
v Your thoughts, and your sayings to others

v Do not have to say everything you know ,,, and you should know everything you say

v Good biography as an olive tree ,,, do not grow fast but long live

v arrogant as the positions on the top of a mountain ,,, people see young and see him small

v How beautiful to smile when others think you will ♥ Silence: a clever answer is not mastered by many

♥ Words: are the dresses worn by our ideas. . You should not show our thoughts in the clothes of the pathetic .. .. ♥

♥ Do not argue belga and no Safia .. Valbig Yglbk, and the mysteries of you. ♥

♥ The only victories that never last and do not leave behind the sorrow are our victories on ourselves

♥ Do what you feel deep in your heart that it is true. . Because you will not receive the criticism in any way .. ♥

♥ Hard blows Crushing glass but polishing iron. ♥

♥ Eliminate the enemy is not executed.
♥ God gives every bird his livelihood. . But he does not throw him in the nest

♥ Love hell unbearable. . And life without love unbearable bliss ♥.

♥ It is not a condition that our tears be in front of who we love. But it is necessary to be in order of love ♥

One rose for a human being is better than a full bouquet on his grave. When the rain falls, the smell of the earth fills the place
And trembled in the cold .. And trembled longing ... and trembled terrified .. And around the winter
I will miss you very much
When the night comes without your voice .. Without your kindness .. And not your warmth
I look for you in the robe of the moon and I can not find you ..
He fell asleep like a wounded child
I will miss you very much
When one of them extends his arms to me ... and he takes me out of the sea of ​​sorrow
And gives me new wings .. And new life .. And a new life .. And ask my heart about you shyly
And you are in the veins of blood
I will miss you very much
When I eat my food .. and not be in the opposite seat .. nor the seat next door
And not the seat near .. And the distant .. And sitting alone and besieged the eyes of strangers
I will miss you so much
When I repeat to them a lie, I have forgotten you, and I tell you that I do not care anymore
I do not go back in the evening .. as a child to my bed
Abek in secret ..
I will miss you very much
When he admitted between me and myself .. that the messages that burned .. burned me
And that the gifts that broke her broke me ... and that the remnants she killed killed me
And that the pangs of oblivion I have prepared for you ... alone ended below them in the evening
I will miss you very much
When he talked to me about you another .. And tell the story of your longing .. And perfume your perfume in her hands
I miss you more .. I reject you more ..... I love you more ..... I hate you without end
I will miss you very much
When he asks me about you my heart and silence .. And ask me about my mind and deaf
He asks me about you night and silence .. And ask me about you mural and deaf
He asks me about my phone and I die ... and I turn into a mold of ice
Silence is maintained with pride
I will miss you very much
When I know that you lived after a thousand love story .. and wrote after a thousand love poem
And I have grown after a thousand beautiful woman..but still looking for me among women
I will miss you (the woman has been browsing for treason but she does not forget it)
Is it harmful to slaughter the sheep after slaughtering !!

(The heart of a pearl woman needs a skilled fisherman)
In this time ... any hunter !!

Socrates says:
(The genius of women lies in her heart)
And her heart is her weakness !!

(Women did not create to be admired by all men but rather to be a source of happiness for one man).
And who said to you, oh ... that all women are fashion models !!

(When the woman cries .. the strength of the man breaks) ... Shakespeare
Buster only, Uncle Shakespeare !!

(The woman is a big castle if her heart fell down with him) ... Anis Mansour
If that castle ... Mansour was (fortified) when the heart fell !!

(The man does not forget the first woman I love, and the woman does not forget the first man betrayed her) ... Wise
Because the man here tasted the witness, and the woman there tasted bitter ... and every proportion of health !!

(The best way to make a woman change her mind is to agree)
Oops ... you mean to give her a gift !!

(Satan professor of the man and student of women)
Return to history ... And read the day that the devil came in the form of Sheikh Najdi in the meeting of the tribes of the victory !!
(Women like soft grass bend in front of the breeze but does not break the storm)
In this time (rare) that soft grass !!

(Virtuous women inspire you, and the smart you raise your interest, and the beautiful will attract you, the thin wins you)
Because virtue does not come only with good.
And yet the smartness is lacking in femininity.
And because the lovely piece of candy.
Because thin coin is rare !!

(The woman will remain an unknown mystery, while the man thinks he can solve it)
A phrase from the channel of youth of the future (Space To) !!

The poet describes the shyness of women and their disobedience:
(From the Tanas like the sun did not see her & in the yard of the house neither Baal nor neighbor)
And us to the customers in the markets !!

(The life of women a huge book written on each page of the word love) ... Chopin
May God have mercy on my grandmother who died and did not know this !!

(A woman flower does not let her arms only in the shade) ... Linbay.
And what to do if we put it in the sun !!

(Run away from women follow you ... follow them escape from you) ... philosopher
When Newton is called this verb (a direct relationship)
At Tagore the Indian is called (Ascension)
And we Muslims are called (Tom & Jerry) !!

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