الأحد، 11 فبراير 2018


Behavior of lovers
The subject is very important in terms of generosity and communicate the salt between the lovers how to eat together
First desires and love make the female or man in the order of air heart in a modern sense without link and ideas without a true rate
And a sense of urgency in the sense of rush towards strong and scattered expression
We have been in the feeling of vastness and influence on the relationship. The most important thing in the relationship is the balance of the mind and the heart in the sense that we do not move to our emotions so as not to lose our respect towards ourselves and others do not take advantage of your sense of pride
Whatever your degree of love of power must be combated even if only a small amount
Observe the other's sense of shock and feeling
Do not sell all you feel is an urgent need in your expressions There is a stage of boredom occur
And to the subject of a strong ==== With my greetings - Ahmed Ali Masry

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