الجمعة، 26 يناير 2018

the body except

There is no value to the body except in the spirit, as well as the value of the work only by intention, and intention is the heart, as it is not good in the process of the animal only tightly Zmm, also not good for the heart ... And the fixed thing: ; It may be a bad reaction, it may be an act of work with a man did not thank him, and I do not praise him, nor pay attention to him :. 
Concept of faith in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'But deeds are by intentions, but every man has what he intended.' [Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1 and Muslim, 1907]. 
Law of Rhythm 
'Night after day, day after night' 
Vibrate Law 
'Everything vibrates' 
Law of Kind (nursery) 
'Everything incubation period until it ripens or is complete growth' And not created from nothingness. But turn from one form to another. 
Polar Law (antagonists) 
'Everything carries beauty and ugliness at once. 
Relativity Law 
'Everything relative.' 
Causality Law: 
This law states that 'each result has a reason to lead. 'Let us agree on this first: Nothing happens in the universe except in accordance with the law or what it is called (universal year). Therefore, it is obvious that if you want to achieve something, you first begin by recognizing the laws of the universe. Physical therapy or physical therapy is a process of injury or illness in physical physical methods. Applied mathematics is used in theoretical physics and physics. Basic laws in physics are formulated with mathematical equations. The required mathematical skills may be unknown to the researcher in the new scientific issues. Therefore, the need for applied mathematics and the necessity of using the applied athletes with advanced mathematical skills.

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