السبت، 6 يناير 2018

Solving psychological problems

Solving psychological problems

Scientific steps and easy to solve any psychological problem First: half of the solution when a person feels negative feelings such as frustration, anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, mistrust, self-esteem and many other negative emotions, tangle and disrupt his life which does not go smoothly and can not perform his functions in society, These feelings are amplified and become satisfactory. Natural man has all these feelings but at the good limits that help him to progress and preserve his life. For example, fear and anxiety are necessary for man. They define his responsible responsiveness towards himself, his family, his work and his society. But his response to external and internal stimuli must be realistic so as not to turn into a psychological problem. A person must maintain his mental health in order to perform his role to the fullest and remain balanced and harmonious or self-satisfied. The feelings and thoughts are accompanied by a reciprocal dialectical relationship. Once an idea begins to be accompanied by a feeling, as well as feeling produces thoughts that sometimes work as a translator, when positive thoughts are filled with joy And the positive and positive card and activity, as well as those who feel a positive feeling because of love or success, his ideas are positive and optimistic, but if the person thought of negative ideas in response to external or internal influences, will feel a negative feeling and will decrease energy and will feel exhausted and inactivity, sadness, anger and anxiety and other common Passion deprives man of negative energy. And feelings and ideas produce a consistent and appropriate behavior to them, and behavior is the third equation that forms the pattern of human personality, and can not be separated parties to this tripartite equation, unless there is a disturbance personality or mind, and therefore positive feelings and ideas produce positive behavior and make a person live his life with joy and happiness and success, Which is balanced and compatible with himself and his social and professional environment, and the person may express his happiness in many ways in his behavior may dance, and vice versa when a person carries negative thoughts and feelings as his behavior and even the body expressed, and may be isolated and may be in very severe cases Suicidal behavior, even if not baptized directly to kill himself. And the best that can be done by the owner of the psychological problem is to change one of the parties to the equation, which results in the change of the rest of the parties and then change the situation, if changed from his ideas will change his feelings and behavior followed, and if his behavior is going out and meet people or play sport will change his feelings and will move away from negative ideas, And sometimes enough to change the human form and form, for example takes a hot bath and shaving hair or change hairstyle and wear beautiful clothes and bright colors, and sit and stand and walking with an erection, all contribute to change the situation of the person who is subjected to psychological pressure, but above all awareness of the problem. • Awareness of the problem. The awareness of a large role in the speed of solving the problem, and in the effectiveness of the solution Man is usually an enemy is not ignorant, it was in the early times afraid of severe fear of the phenomenon of lightning and thunder and some primitive people worshiped these phenomena as worshiped the sun and the moon and stars and fire, even in modern times afraid of human achievements Science, such as photography, television, the car and other things that he was unaware of, and when his consciousness developed, he volunteered these phenomena and achievements to his progress, happiness and well-being in life. The psychological problem for the uninformed is an unknown thing attributed to madness, which is an easy tool for all psychological disorders, but for something or forces unknown and absent, such as demons and the department, because it is not as tangible as organic disease, and its symptoms are more psychological than physical, although accompanied by physical and behavioral symptoms, The psychological problem is often thought to be the only one affected by this puzzling thing that he does not know and does not know the reason for, and this makes his response to the symptoms of swelling, if he quickly felt his heart beats - a symptom of psychological pressure - afraid to have a heart attack, As a result of insomnia or loss of appetite increased sense The disease and the physical and psychological exhaustion, and has become a circle of fears do not end, each display results from another show, and become a human life in this situation unbearable hell. The unknown is something that man does not know and can not explain, so some are afraid of darkness because darkness covers what is inside, but as soon as the lights are lit or the sun shines until these fears dissipate, and often visit some people who believe that their children or a close friend After trying with some of the elders of the religion dealing with the issues of the jinn, they try to experiment with science, and when I identify these people, they discover that they are suffering from the so-called multiple personality disorder (MPD), and of course without being aware of this disease, this situation will seem frightening. For a metaphysical thing we do not see like the jinn. The awareness of the problem facilitates and accelerates the solution, as it relieves the burden on the person, and many people who note that they began to enter a psychological problem and interpret it correctly, they can get rid of them self-effort, especially when they are in the beginning, but one of the roles of psychologists and social is the so-called clarification and enlightenment The conscious human being does not exaggerate things. He is balanced in his life and his food. He practices leisure as much as practicing hard work. He knows the meaning of psychological pressure, but sometimes it is not for him. I am surprised sometimes when a simple person visits me in his education but his consciousness is big.

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