السبت، 6 يناير 2018

Get your virginity back in five minutes, the high-tech product. Your shark goes away forever, get your virginity back for fifteen dollars, no surgery, no injections, no drugs and no side effects for just $ 15. "This is the ad text in China's streets to promote its revolution. The new in the field of patching the virginity How China does not think in the manufacture of this membrane, which was issued to the Gulf and some Arab countries dummy doll and legal foreclosure and wall clock ears, China has lied to the need or invention of the invention of their wives not in need of the hymen and not a poor country.
China is not an enemy of Islam, and its goal is not to be a moral degenerate in the Arab countries, but purely commercial. Do not be surprised that in the future, Chinese will be the first foreign language in many Arab countries. China has studied Arabic culture and mentality and knows the needs of Arab people. I do not speak about the manufacture of the membrane, but about the necessary things, they could not even put a hole in the needle until they imported in recent years machines to make needles pierced ready,
As for the Chinese film, it is clear that its effects will be very negative, such as the lack of differentiation between the chaste girl and the corrupt woman, the spread of corruption and venereal diseases, and a number of other problems that can not be predicted by anyone because any problem that can be born is in turn other problems. I do not want a girl who has had sex with someone I have married. I do not accept him. I want a girl who has a respectable daughter.
True, but for what is always to blame the girl and forget the men
Adan the pure man marries the pure and the venerable Lkhbita and the infidel to infidel, thank God and thank you and want topics Hkda I like. The most authentic Hadith is the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is the guidance of our master Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
.. And the evil things are updated and all updated innovation and all heresy and misguidance and every error in the fire ..
O you, O mercy, too, young man, do not think about offering your fiancée to a female doctor before you enter her to make sure of the presence of the membrane, this is a Girrerrerah Kbeieyeier, and a disgrace to the dignity and chastity of women.
And finally they sought good women
Treat women kindly
And keep the devil away from you, and make him not a way for you

Is it right for a young man to be circumcised on a pure girl ???? Why did not you say that the right of the girl to get a young man pure virgin ???
Why are we always hating? It is the right of the young man to play and be fooled by whomever he wishes, but he also has the right to choose the pure one !!! What a contradiction
Do not be my good brothers.
Whores, so let them see this is the view of religion ...
As for you, believe in some of the scriptures, and you will disbelieve in some, so that this may be with your interests ...
The punishment of God will come down on the adulteress and the adulteress, and not on the harlot only. This supper of virginity is not evidence of the honor of women. So even if his lover does not enter her in her vagina, I will put him in her anus.
For virginity is not the decisive and decisive evidence for the honor of women ..
Our masculine society is the reason for the entry of these cheap goods that dominate from all directions because if the young man is afraid of his honor as the girl does, even if he was held accountable for his mistakes, as the girl is charged with a thousand good, but vice versa, hold the girl and unleash the boy ...
He wants to be pure and pure
Yes, I consider that pleasing women and their community for money is cheap
Of course this is far from the culture of trivial Islam when imposing the limits of adultery did not impose on women without men, both in the sin

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "O Allah, forgive your women." He also says: "Whoever commits zina,
Valzani and if long-time will pay his mother or sister or his wife or daughter
Do whatever you want as condemned condemned
Malignant malignancies
Good people are meant to be with good people
The quality of your wife is determined by your behavior
Choose with whom you want to

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