It has lotfy on the surface recently some secret documents which came upon the freedom of information Act استحصلت the organization of judicial watch, including the close of intelligence agency defense - dia for instructions to agree on the set-up داعش. It was the text of a note dia: "the West Gulf States, Turkey, who in favor of the Syrian opposition support the set-up entity predecessor in the East of Syria has declared ooger declared in order to isolate the Syrian regime". Based on the above - what is the short useful. 1- what was named the war on terror who refused to the United States defined is the invention of neo Zionists ليمارسوا ارهابهم anywhere in the world to achieve their goals especially in the Muslim world. 2- foiled Iraqi resistance courage plans occupation US which confirms that the defeat of imperialism global it is possible cross road resistance. 3- الايعاز to Israel waging war acting on the resistance of Lebanon لهزيمتها in the war July 2006. It was shocking the United States, Israel and the forces of the Arab States allied secretly وعلانية. 4- failed Israel in two wars long one of them more than Fifty day on the Palestinian resistance in Gaza although plotted Brotherhood "neighbors. 5- since 1967 war didn't win Israel war one - shows that the armies countries Sykes Pico have not been building عقيدتها for editing, but the protection systems Sykes Pico even including Israel! 6- revealed days for papers berries which was hiding plotted systems Sykes Pico against their people وامتها 7- after their failure in حروبهم direct non colonists اسلوبهم to rely on the bombing of differences Arab National sectarian and ethnic فأشعلوا civil wars in most countries seven wanted invasion. It was the result of fighting to kill the Arab Arab وبأموال Arab !!!
الأربعاء، 15 نوفمبر 2017
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