السبت، 7 أكتوبر 2017

The Almighty said:

The Almighty said: "But the guardians of Allah do not fear them nor do they grieve * Those who believed and were careful * Them human beings in this world and in the Hereafter no change to the words of God that is a great victory" The Almighty said: "God and those who believe them out of darkness to light and "O ye who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as guardians, some of them are the guardians of some, and whoever takes them from you, it is from them that Allah does not guide the wrongdoers. If I read the Quran, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan "He said:" Those who believe, fight for the sake of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight for the sake of the tyrant, and fight against the guardians of the devil, if the devil's hand is weak. " And we said to the angels, prostrate to Adam, and worshiped, but the devil was of the jinn, and he disobeyed the command of his Lord. The Almighty said: "Those who said to them that people have gathered for you Vakhhohm Vzadhm faith and said God, and yes the agent * Vnkbloa grace of God and the virtues of the evil and not follow the mercy of God and God of great virtue * But the devil fears his parents do not fear them and afraid if you believe" The Almighty said: "We have made demons the guardians of those who do not believe * And if they did obscene, we found our fathers" to say "They took the devils parents without God and they are believed to be guided," and said the Almighty: "The demons are waving to their parents to argue you," said Hebron : "Abt, I am afraid to catch the punishment of the Rahman Be the devil and Leah, "and the Almighty said:" O ye who believe! Take not my enemy and your enemy parents Tlqon them with affection "to the verses as saying," You are the Mighty, the Wise "

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