الاثنين، 30 أكتوبر 2017

most women

It is recognized that most women do not tolerate pluralism, but better than celibacy, without doubt, if the man is pious and stern at the limits of God, and then if we argued against those who fight polygamy in this age and we said to them did not think that the man is hard and tired to be on your knees and sometimes exposed to speculation in the work of The manager does not care about dignity because he thinks of meeting the needs of the poor in the house so it was said that the man stands up something of the vine and courage at marriage, did not think women objecting to sacrificing part of these two qualities that have long been spoken by Arab poets, and if our best Women that a man is sitting does not do something like a male hive to object, I tell WL It is disobedient to obey the devil without knowing the romance lies and verify if only one husband and wife must live together longevity and can not divorce only after about 10 years of abandonment and then differentiate them
Or if the husband reveals the wife and is committing adultery
But this Christian concept, of course, contradicts and contradicts the teachings of the Islamic religion, which came according to the wishes of human nature, as the maker of the thing informed the people of the thing that harms or benefits his work
So what is with God, who created us in the best form and is aware and know what benefits us and what hurts us
He who brought down this religion in order to work and hold on to it
Which appeared in the census two in the verse
(Two hundred and three and four and if you do not modify one)
The romanticism in the Islamic religion is not limited to one wife only, but men according to their human nature can distribute the romance of four women in contrast to women where a woman can not distribute the right to romantic romance of more than one man only
Al-Haj Metwally's series came to explain this idea
The daughters of this age and inadvertently are influenced by the Christian culture and ideas and holidays, such as the story of the Christian monk Valentine, Mother's Day and other holidays and events, as well as marital infidelity and its concept according to this Christian concept and inadvertently as the one who grew up on something young
The betrayal in Islam between spouses occurs if the husband has weight and is married, this is considered a traitor
But if he married Fibark God in it is something halal
When we talk about the cultural invasion, we do not mean that the girl is aware of her actions, but what you see in television or in the media of the principles of Christian selfishness and Christian holidays and events of Christian thought enter directly into her subconscious mind and without realizing it
It acts on its basis without feeling and believes that this is the state of human nature
She insists she is right

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