الخميس، 3 أغسطس 2017

The words of Mohammed Ali Clay when he refused to join the army
Why are they asking me to wear the uniform of the US military? ..
Why are they asking me to wear the uniform of the US military?
I go 10,000 miles away to throw bombs
And lead to Vietnamese brown-skinned people
Although the owners of brown skin here are treated
As dogs are stripped of the most basic rights? !
I will not travel ten thousand miles to kill and burn another nation
Poor only to continue the domination of the white man enslaved
To other dark-skinned people everywhere.
This is the day when these evils must end,
They warned me that my stay would cost me millions
Dollars, but I said it and I will say it again, that my enemy
The real is here on this earth will not insult my religion, nor
My nation, not myself by making myself a tool to enslave them from
They fight for justice, freedom and equality
Their own. If you think war will give freedom
For 22 million of my family, I will join them tomorrow, I do not have
Something I lose by defending my beliefs
The prison? What's the problem? We live in a prison since 400

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