السبت، 6 مايو 2017


فهذه هي الأنثى الحقـيقـية في نظـــر الرجــل ...
والرجـل يسـتطيع مساعــدة المرأة عـلى الاحـتـفاظ
بهذه الأنوثة بأن يحـترم ضعـف المرأة معه ..
ولا يسـتغـله وأن يمنحها القـوة بعـطـفه
وحـنانه واحـتـرامه .. وأن يعـلّمها الضعـف
الجـمـيل وليس ضعـف الانزواء وفـقـدان الثقة.

كلمات فيها معني وحكمة ومثل

                     لا ترفع يدك على امرأة إلا إذا كنت تعلم أن شفتيك عاجزتان عن تحقيق مآربك

                     إذا حرمت المرأة من الجمال .. لم تتلذذ من الحياة إلا بنصفها

                      ((موت الجبان في حياته )) وحياة الشجاع في موته . فموتوا لتعيشوا ، فو الله ما عاش ذليك ، ولا مات كريم

                     متى استعبدتم الناس وقد ولدتهم أمهاتهم أحرارا

                     نمت وحلمت أن الحياة هي السعادة ،واستيقضت ووجدت الحياة هي الواجب ..تعاملت وجربت أن الواجب هو السعادة

                     العالم مسرح على خشبته يؤدي الناس رجالا ونساء أدوارهم

                     المرء من حيث يثبت لا من حيث ينبت ومن حيث يوجد ولا من حيث يولد  

                     تاج الإنسان في قلبه وليس في رأسه

                     الرضا جوهرة عظيمة الثمن .والانسان الذي يفوز بها في مقابل عشرة آلاف رغبة ..يكون قد قام بعملية الشراء الحكيمة.. السعيدة

                     الحقد : انني لا احمل الحقد لأحد ، ولا أفكر في إيذاء أحد ، ولكنى حتما أري الظلم يزداد في العالم ،وأسأل نفسي بالتفكير في الجحيم الذي ينتظر هؤلاء الظالمين                                            

Me: Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you

Matrix Aly: You like talking in a

Me: Choose a topic for discussion

Matrix Aly: Taming the instinct

Me: Yاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااه
Great topic

Walk and say I'm with you

Certainly in the first you will be close to God

Matrix Aly: The instinct to eat and drink inside human and must be tamed or overcome us
Me: Kamel

Matrix Aly: It has one door to overcome man's door self

Me: Tame yourself

Matrix Aly: Yes to work on reviving Islamic modesty before the soul and people
We feel or expect what happens if we follow the self-interest while energizing the continuous instinct to discharge energy

Me: Transforming the self or filling it with something else

Matrix Aly: The potential energy of instinct is easy to overcome by mentioning, praying and getting close to God
Me: Transforming the self or filling it with something else
The first things to draw near to God

Our understanding d

Matrix Aly: Fear of yourself, people, shame and disgrace in front of God
Me: But Arif rarely meets a limit that knows Keda works
The whole walker saw himself

Matrix Aly: No, there are not a lot of people who have worked as slaves
But the price of psychological contract and diseases

Me: They reacted much to what they did and to a little bit of trouble with the nations and the little ones with the tannins
You mean Maine to speak da

Matrix Aly: Monks and Sisters

Me: I mean not Muslim

Matrix Aly: There are Muslims, but God is easy for them to dump the instinct of Sharia
Lack of self-help to stir up instinct is important

Me: Distance from the stimuli

Matrix Aly: The daily behavior of man and distance from what drives emotions

Me: But you think da is possible

Matrix Aly: In this difficult time

Me: You're a loser

Matrix Aly: But with piety can

Matrix Aly: When a person weakens and loses a mind, the self activates with the instinct and works on free fall and practicing the colors of the experiments with others

Me: But Breeding Education has a very important role
If he were brought up in a house, God would be afraid

He judged himself

Matrix Aly: The instinct is not subject to laws and do not be subject to optimal control of oneself

Me: Its sure money law
But her door

Possible to close

Or have a key

Shara Zi what I said

Matrix Aly: The problem when the length of stay of instinct within the human need to be tight and necessary procedures
Including closer to God more

Me: Kame with you

Matrix Aly: Spiritual Highness is a self-standing art that a person needs to learn like yoga
Transform the energy from the catalytic to the potential energy related to the spirit

Difficult to speak

Me: It started to keep it difficult
I do not understand

Matrix Aly: We must explain ourselves to any thinking activity or make us in another part of the land possessed instinct

Me: I'll occupy myself with another Bashi

Matrix Aly: No job
Me: I mean what I leave myself free time

Matrix Aly: There are works that make the mind rise and rise to effective human values

Me: Got it

Matrix Aly: including not thinking about the issues of sex and love and equality, but we stand for ideal love love God love mother and left images that entice us and call the instinct of the depths

Me: Transform thinking from one need to another


Matrix Aly: Not just a shift but a faith, determination and self-readiness

Me: Definitely the preparation needs to be present from breeding

Matrix Aly: Especially the Sixt

Me: Heji is not alone
On the contrary

Matrix Aly: The man in control more

Me: You can

Matrix Aly: Is there a comment

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