الأربعاء، 19 أبريل 2017

Peace for those I love in vain

Peace for those I love in vain ..
Peace to those who light my wounds
Good peace and a rose .. for all those who loved us and did not like them as they should
Peace be upon those who laugh and in their hearts weeping years
Peace for a land created for peace, and what it once saw as peace
Peace on love on the day comes and the day to go .. And the day change the owners
Peace be upon those who, if they see the wall of your soul, wants to break it, set it up.
Peace for those who, if they were taken care of, did not ask us anything, or complained to us.
Peace to those who greet us with the clarity of their hearts before their faces every time we go to them after the absence ..
Peace upon us weeps the absence, and kills us nostalgia
Peace be upon those who keep the covenant of love, and did not betray
Peace be upon the innocent who are killed every day in the parts of the earth, and history will forget them and their heroes will be called heroes
Peace be upon those who planted roses in our souls, and departed without caring for them
Peace on graves built inside us ... those that contain the most beautiful people and things
Peace on the broken in my heart, the one that does not make a sound
Peace be upon those who have distanced themselves from themselves, and those who have taken away life against their will
Peace be upon those who have been abducted by death among us, peace on their graves and mercy from the Lord of the Worlds
Peace on another voice resists to survive
Peace be upon you, I miss you so much .. And peace I miss
Peace be upon those who were in the eyes of all human beings, and I did not ask God for another day
Peace for those who stand on the corner of the dream .. And fight
Peace be upon her, who saw from life what she saw, and kept her pride resistant
Peace be upon the silent ones, those who are not tempted by shouting or words of anger .. They grieve and rejoice silently, die in silence
Peace be upon us when we praise the world and we will rejoice
Peace on the color of grief in your eyes
Peace be upon those who decided to stop halfway, they cared only about themselves and departed
Peace be upon all the oppressed, and on every oppressed .. And on every unknown in the earth known in heaven
Peace upon you, you are the beginning of my soul .. And you are the conclusion
Peace be upon me when I read "We said, O fire, being cold and peace to Abraham," I seek peace from the Lord of peace
Peace upon heart after he saw you, no longer sees you
Peace on disappointments grew up within us, our return to indifference
Peace be upon us, we lost our surprise
Peace be upon the dreamers who are steeped in tranquility, who are not hampered by the boredom of life and are not harmed by the ugliness of the world
Peace on the Muslims of reality and in their midst volcano imagination
Peace be upon all the drowning of the straw, and it is known that it is useless
Peace on our voices that do not hear ..
Peace on a song heard by my heart and kept repeating it .. On the promise of sincerity and the shadow of believe in him, the life I wanted to live full
Peace over parts of our lives, and we can no longer reform them
Peace on what we have done and did not bring the fruits we wished
Peace on all passing, will pass .. Without nibbling from our inside something
Peace on her eyes, which she did not know to lie way
Peace over the voice of Fayrouz, who was free of hope while repeating "Ah ... in hope"
Peace on the absence, the limit of unity, the limit of brutality .. End of the call
Peace be upon Aziz

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