الأربعاء، 28 ديسمبر 2016


  • Th
    surah talaq verse 3 tawakkul
    And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever places his trust in Allah, Sufficient is He for him, for Allah will surely accomplish His Purpose: For verily, Allah has appointed for all things a due proportion. Quran (Surah Talaq, 65:3)
    The Quran makes it clear that Tawakkul is not an option but rather a requirement. Allah (may He be Exalted) says:
    quran surah al-maida verse 23 tawakkul trust
    “…and put your trust in Allâh if you are believers indeed. Quran (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5: 23)
    He also says in the Quran:
    surah ibrahim verse 11 tawakkul quran
    “….And in Allah let believers put their Trust” [Surah Ibrahim 14:11]

    Don’t give up on Your Efforts

  • ank you for this. It seems as Allah (swt) talks to me when I need it most. Myself and also my family is probably going through one of the toughest times we have ever faced in our life and in my prayers I told Allah (swt) that I am going to put everything into his hands and let him handle it for me and stop questioning and worrying….well Alhumdulillah! Just then, I get this email. So as I said, it seems like Allah (swt) just responded to me…letting me know I did exactly what I was supposed to!! Allah ho Akbar.
  • Walhumdu Lillaah, This Dua’ah certainly comes as a sigh of relief. Tawakkul is something all Muslims should have in their hearts, minds and in their belief, no matter what their situation may be, good or bad, sometimes, things really get on top of us and lead us to forget how important Twakkul is. So Jazak Allaah Khairun for this and for all the articles Iqrasense 
    This is what I believe is the essence of our faith. And, whoever hold on to that will be better for it (both in this worldly matters and in hereafter in Aakhira). As for myself, I have recently lost a dear sister of mine to a prolong illness, and, it was really difficult time for me and the family (especially to our beloved aged mother) and, this article remind me what Allah wills shall always come to pass, indeed.
  • ssalamualaikum…..
    A very reminding article. I had some questions troubling me and Alhamdulillah I have got answers to all of them now :)… May Allah iincrease our Imaan and draw us more and more closer to HIM. Ameen.
    And Sister Sabina, all my prayers are with you. Have faith. There’s something definitely good going to happen and you and your family shall be rewarded for all the hardships you are facing only if you bear with patience. Insha’Allah. May this difficult time pass over soon and May eternal happiness surround you Al-HamduiiLLAH for the belssings of Islam. A nice article. May Allah bless all those behind it, our brothers and sisters who read it and the Ummat of Muhammad (S.A.W.). Tawakkul is a much needed component of our faith, epecially these days, when you look around and see the trendous suffering of our brethren around the globe. It is then we need to realize that Allah controls everything and can change any situation anytime according to His plans. We need to fullfil our duties as espoused in our our sacred book, the Qur’an and on the way shown by rasuluLLAH, the final messenger, Muhammad (Peace be on HIM).
  • Assalam Alaikum, As soon as I read the article it gave me an immense satisfaction. Today the wholeday I ws disturbed and I was thinking that no one understands my action ( something I was thinking of), so how I’ll carry the things without anyone’s support. Though I knew all the things discussed in the article, but still I was disturbed. Sometimes reminding of such type of things are very useful for everyone as I’m seeing that most of the commenters tell that they needed this exactly at that moment. Nice effort. I make dua to Allah that He should give me and everyone who is attached with this article the true faith and tawakkul in ALLAH (SWT).
    Jazakallah.and your family. Ameen.sends out to us 
  • i found the article quite soothing, as me and my husband are being blackmailed by a widow to whoom we have been supporting for five years. Now she is claiming herself to be his wife by presenting editted photos and by the id card which she had made with our knowledge.since we are living abroad ,so cant do much but still some of our close freinds are working hard to bring the case to the court. But every time we start some legal action it comes up with some new demand.this made us very depressed.so me and my husband have come to the point ehat though our intentions were pure we were supporting the lady and her daughter with the zakat money. now if we are facing this problem this could be a punishment for our some sin of which we are un aware so if we will do sabar inshallah we will be free from it. since last three months alhamdulilah we have been praying salat tauba and have become punctual in our fajar salat. i request you all to pray for us that Allah accepts our tauba and get us free from this difficulty.That was the thing that could be done from our side now every thing is left on Allah .all.

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